Home Artists Ana Reynolds


Ana Reynolds

Madrid, Spain

18 Works exhibited on Kooness

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Works by Ana Reynolds



Paintings , Mixed Media , Wood

100 x 100 x 3cm

1800,00 €



Paintings , Mixed Media , Wood

100 x 100 x 4cm

1800,00 €



Paintings , Acrylic

80 x 60cm

1950,00 €



Paintings , Acrylic

116 x 89 x 3cm

2000,00 €



Paintings , Acrylic

80 x 60 x 4cm

1100,00 €



Paintings , Acrylic

116 x 89 x 4cm

2000,00 €



Paintings , Acrylic

116 x 89 x 3cm

2000,00 €



Paintings , Acrylic

25 x 25 x 3cm

400,00 €

Fondo marino


Paintings , Acrylic

89 x 116 x 3cm

2000,00 €



Paintings , Acrylic

50 x 50 x 3cm

700,00 €

My career began with photography, through which I have always sought to capture the essence of each moment. From photography I moved on to painting in order to interpret the reality that presented itself before my eyes and make it my own, expressing it the way I feel it. My artistic career led me to create a very personal language with a delicate color palette and a look generally linked to nature, a theme where I find my particular way of expressing myself: my way of entering the world of the light. Landscapes reinvented from intuition. Constructions devised and elements with echoes of memories. My work is balanced, harmonious, establishing a dialogue between figurations, which are not entirely so, and abstractions that acquire a meaning. They are works made with subtlety that encourage you to enter into the painting, into its mystery, into a universe of suggestions. The pillars of my work are harmony, sensitivity, simplicity, light and balance.

Exhibitions: April 2023: individual exhibition C.Cultural Julio Cortázar. Madrid. Apr 3-26 February 2023: individual exhibition "Architectures of time and iron" C.Cultural Juan Genovés. Aravaca.  November 2022: Group exhibition "Art Projects". Miami. July 2022: Group exhibition "Anima Latina". Perugia. Perugia. Italy. April 2022: Solo exhibition "Convergences". Eduardo Úrculo Hall. Madrid. January 2022: Group exhibition "Sólo Arte". AEPE. Cultural Center Eduardo Úrculo. Madrid. January 2022:Group exhibition "Encuentro". Encounter Hall. Majadahonda. Madrid. November 2021: Individual exhibition "Convergences". Volturno Cultural Center. Pozuelo de Alarcón. Pozuelo de Alarcón. Madrid. Nov-Dec 2021: Individual exhibition "Fury and Calm". Cofares. Cofares. Madrid. Sep-Oct-Nov 2021: Collective exhibition "VI Certamen de pintura Ayto. Pozuelo de Alarcón". MIRA. Madrid. May 2021: Collective exhibition. 58th Contest "S. Isidro" Clock House. AEPE. Madrid. May 2021: Individual exhibition "Art of Madrid". Hotel Palacio de Atocha. Madrid. May 2021: Collective exhibition. XV Contest "By lands of Castilla La Mancha". AEPE. Valdepeñas. April - May 2021: I exhibition international contemporary art in C.C. Zielo (Pozuelo de Alarcón - Madrid). Participates with Escuela Creativa (M)ARTE. April - May 2021: Finalist in the national collage contest "Mi rinconcito". Exhibition in Zaragoza. Sep-October 2020: Individual exhibition "Medieval Heritage". Diputación de Ávila. Tower of the Guzmanes. December 20: International virtual exhibition Mundoarti.  October 2019: Group exhibition Villatorres City Council. Jaen.  March 2018: Solo exhibition. La barra del Cacique. Madrid. Galleries: Lanzarote Art Gallery Avenida Islas Canarias, 12 C. C, Loc.18 y 19, 35508 Costa Teguise, Las Palmas