Home Artists Anne Katrine Senstad


Anne Katrine Senstad

Oslo, Norway

27 Works exhibited on Kooness

Current location

New York, NY, United States

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Senstad works in the multi-disciplinary intersections of installation art, photography, video, neon sculpture, light environments, and land art with a focus on the phenomena of perception, space and the sensorial realms of light, color and sound. She often creates works that are socially engaged as well as philosophical and poetic text based works in the public realm. New York-based Norwegian multidisciplinary artist Anne Katrine Senstad combines installation, photography, video, and site- and time-specific art in her works. Sensorial aesthetics, transcendental artistic and philosophical practices, and social and political awareness are all themes in her work. She earned her BFA Hons in Photography from the Parsons School of Design in New York and studied film at the New School for Social Research in New York.