Home Artists Vincent Gicquel


Vincent Gicquel


1 Works exhibited on Kooness

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Works by Vincent Gicquel



Paintings , Oil

280 x 200cm


Born in 1974 Lives and works in Bordeaux Vincent Gicquel's paintings are the work of a comic who hints at all that is ridiculous and horribly banal in the existence of man. It is a comic tragedy, a work of mockery. In these paintings, man becomes the only subject, the unique vestige roosting in the middle of a world where everything seems to have disappeared. There are neither landscape nor setting and nothing in particular that we can cling to.

SOLO SHOWS 2017 As-tu vraiment besoin d'aller là-bas ?, Galerie Thomas Bernard - Cortex Athletico, Paris 2012 Incontinence, Galerie Thomas Bernard - Cortex Athletico, Bordeaux 2010 Conviction, Galerie Thomas Bernard - Cortex Athletico, Bordeaux 2009 La belle affaire, Galerie Thomas Bernard - Cortex Athletico, Bordeaux GROUP SHOWS 2018 Debout, François Pinault's Collection, Couvent des Jacobins, Rennes, France 2017 FIAC, Galerie Thomas Bernard - Cortex Athletico, Grand Palais, Paris, France 2016 The Past is the Past, Galerie Thomas Bernard - Cortex Athletico, Paris 2014 Artgenève, Galerie Thomas Bernard - Cortex Athletico, Geneva 2012 Artbrussels, Galerie Thomas Bernard - Cortex Athletico, Brussels