Home Artists Vladimir Skoda


Vladimir Skoda

Czech Republic

2 Works exhibited on Kooness

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Works by Vladimir Skoda

Sans Titre


Sculpture , Mixed Media

220 x 15cm

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Galileo Galilei


Sculpture , Mixed Media

10 x 190cm

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Vladimir Skoda is a sculptor and was born in 1942 (Prague). He lives and works in Paris since 1968. He grew up with a special interest in mathematics and physics and he was also interested in manual work, he did training as a turner-milling and at the same time, he studied drawing. When he was 26 he came to Paris and decided to stay in France to study Arts. The French artist Cesar was one of his teachers and he started working with iron wire. From 1975 he started forging iron and steel, changing his relationship with these materials. In the work of this period appeared simple shapes, “balls”, “tops”, “pyramids”.

Selected Solo Exhibitions 2016 Art Paris Art Fair, with baudoin lebon, Paris, France Claire Gastaud Gallery, Clermont-Ferrand, France Accélérateur d’espace, L'aspirateur - Lieu d'art contemporain, Narbonne, France Space Kaan, with baudoin lebon, Seoul, South Korea 2014 Pendule, Exhibition of Arsenal and Réfectoire, Soisson, France 2012 Parallèles dans l’espace-temps, baudoin lebon, Paris, France 2011 Trou blanc, Carré Sainte Anne, Montpellier, France 2010 Cinq corps de Platon, Wittenbrink Gallery, München, Germany Miroirs du temps, Casanova forever, AL/MA Gallery, Montpellier, France 2009 Galileo-Galilei, Anno Galileiano,aéroport G. Galilei, Pisa, Italy L’Art dans les chapelles, Chapelle Saint-Gildas, Bieuzy-les-Eaux, France Le monde entre l’amour et la folie, Musée Denys-Puech, Rodez, France