Home Artists Brno Del Zou


Brno Del Zou


2 Works exhibited on Kooness

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Works by Brno Del Zou

Place des Ternes Paris



65 x 110cm





70 x 120cm


Brno Del Zou is a musician, photographer, sculptor, videographer, software designer, creator of video / sound / interactive installations. After a doctorate in theoretical mechanics (1990), a teaching and research position in information and communication at the University of Poitiers (1994-2006), the creation and management of a university research laboratory on mediated learning, Brno Del Zou now devotes himself exclusively to his artistic productions.

His portraits and bodies, in “Photo-sculptures” or video animations, have toured the planet and inspired many artists. Some of his creations have been presented at the Quai Branly Museum, at the Palais de Tokyo, at international exhibitions … From his creative process, the artist writes: “In the manner of the first cubists, a body, a face, or even a landscape, can be represented from different points of view both on the same plane space. For my part, I add a “thick” compared to the canvas of painters. But the process is the same, I am as faithful, perhaps even more, to the subject photographed by representing it from different angles, different scales, than by using the unique point of view of classical photography. Brno Del Zou proceed from the same process of fragmentation and reconstruction as his plastic works. In the third dimension of his photosculptures – the depth – is substituted that of time.

His latest research focuses on “Urban Portraits” or “Imaginary Landscapes” that lead to true poetic reconstructions of certain neighborhoods of cities, suburbs or natural areas. The fruits of this research take shape in audacious structures in volume … Each house, each piece of landscape is fragmented as soon as the shooting, then assembled to compose a unique representation, of a place or a space. The distortions, the perspectives, the ladder games reveal a scene where the spectator that we are can no longer distinguish the real from the imaginary.