Home Artists Carla Accardi


Carla Accardi

1924 - 2014
Trapani, Italy

0 Works exhibited on Kooness

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Works by Carla Accardi

Born in 1924 in Trapani, Carla Accardi graduated from Academy of Fine Arts in Florence. During the Forties she moved to Rome and there she met the artists Piero Consagra, Piero Dorazio, Mino Guerrini, Achille Perilli, Antonio Sanfilippo and Giulio Turcato, with whom she founded one of the most important artistic group of the Postwar period, called Forma 1, trying to reconciliate the Marxist politics with abstract art, an artistic movement which considered the mark as pure form and rejected any connection with the Italian painting of the previous twenty years, overtaking it and coming back to the abstractionism and formalism. . The group’s first exhibition was held in Rome in 1947. Three years later, Accardi had the first solo exhibition, at the famous Gallery Age d’or. Her early paintings consisted of interlocking geometric forms. In the Fifties, Accardi was involved in the wide-reaching attempts to revolutionize abstraction through the hybridization of geometric abstraction and gestural painting, both in Italy, where she appeared in "Arte astratta e concreta in Italia - 1951" ("Abstract and concrete art in Italy - 1951") at the Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna, Rome, and in France, where art critic Michel Tapié took an interest in her work. In this period Accardi began to introduce pseudo-calligraphic signs into abstract images, while reducing her palette to white-on-black compositions to explore the relationship between figure and ground. In 1961 Accardi reintegrated color and began painting on sicofoil, a transparent plastic, instead of canvas. She showcased these new strategies at the 1964 Venice Biennale. By the mid-1960s, she was using these new materials sculpturally. "Tenda" ("Tent", 1965) and "Triplice Tenda" ("Triple Tent", 1969) feature sheets of plastic assembled into a tent and covered with brightly colored brushstroke patterns. These artworks may be an important precedent to many works that focus on domesticity and place rather than on an abstract notion of space. It is also one of the primary early artworks that involve the idea that architecture and experience can be nomadic or provisional. This phase of Accardi's research is good represented by the artwork "Rosa Grigio" ("Pink Grey"), dated 1966, and this phase was celebrated in the Ambiente/Arte. From Futurism to Body Art exhibition, curated by Germano Celant, at the 1976 Venice Biennale. In the 1980s she returned to canvas and shifted her focus to the use of signs and chromatic juxtapositions: the artwork "Capriccio spagnolo 4" ("Spanish Capriccio n. 4"), made with vinyl on raw canvas, is a great example of her phase of research. The Accardi's first U.S. solo exhibition, entitled "Triplice Tenda" ("Triple Tent"), was held at P.S.1 Contemporary Art Center (now MoMA PS1), New York (2001). After this exhibition, the Musée d'art moderne de la Ville de Paris presented a great retrospective in 2002. Research: Carla Accardi was among the significant representatives  of the Italian Abstractionism and founder of the “Forma 1” in 1947, an artistic movement which considered the mark as pure form and rejected any connection with the Italian painting of the previous twenty years, overtaking it and coming back to the abstractionism and formalism.
SOLO SHOWS: 2007 Galerie Greta Meert; Brussels, Belgium; 2004 Macro Museo d'Arte Contemporanea Roma, Rome, Italy; Galerie Meert Rihoux, Brussels, Belgium; 2003 Carla Accardi- Opere recenti, Galleria Astuni, Pietrasanta, Italy; 2002 Galerie Meert Rioux, Brussels, Belgium; Galleria d'Arte Moderna di Ljubljana, Slovenia; Musee d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, Paris, France; Carla Accardi, Galleria Pecci, Milan, Italy; 2001 Triplice Tenda, P.S. 1 Contemporary Art Center, New York, USA; Carla Accardi. Premio Artista dell'anno,Palazzo Crepadona, Belluno, Italy; Carla Accardi. Premio Artista dell'anno, Galleria Civica, Cortina d'Ampezzo, Italy; Carla Accardi Disegni, Galleria Santo Ficara, Florence, Italy; 2000 Carla Accardi: Sicofoil, Galleria Massimo Minini, Brescia, Italy; Carla Accardi: Opere recenti, Galerie Meert; Rihoux, Brussels, Belgium; Carla Accardi: Pietrose distanze, Galleria Astuni, Fano, Pesaro, Urbino, Italy; 1999 Carla Accardi: Triplice Tenda, Kunstmuseum, Bonn, Germany; Transparences, Studio Simonis, Paris, France; 1998 Carla Accardi: Triplice Tenda, Castello di Rivoli, Turin, Italy; Ambiente Arancio, Musee d-Art moderne et contemporain, Strasbourg, France; Carla Accardi: Opere 1947-1997, Chiesa della Badia Grande e Laboratori Officina, Trapani, Italy; Carla Accardi, Overbeck Gesellschaft, Lubeck, Germany; 1997 Galleria Cesare Manso, Pescara, Italy; Galleria Vannuci, Pistoia, Italy; Atelier del Bosco a Villa Medici, Academie de France, Rome, Italy; Dove nasce il segno (oeuvres 1953) Studio Simonis, Paris, France; Carla Accardi: Ambiente arancio 1967, Telecarte, Galerie Meert, Rihoux, Brussels, Belgium; 1996 Stadtische Galerie, Wolfsburg, Germany; Galleria Fumagalli, Bergamo, Italy; 1995 Kunstverein, Ludwishafen, Germany; Galleria delle Arti, Citta di Castello, Italy; Giochi galleggianti e trasparenze, Centro d'Arte Contemporanea Spazio Umano, Milan, Italy; 1994  Una forma d'esistenza, Fumagalli Arte Contemporanea, Bergamo, Italy; Opere 1954-1993, Galerie Meert; Rihoux, Brussels, Belgium; 1950 Carla Accardi. 15 Tempere Galleria Age d'Or, Rome, Italy;   GROUP SHOWS: 2007 Carla Accardi meets Lucio Fontana, Martha Herford, Germany; 2006 Cenni e Barlumi, Galleria Massimo Minini, Brescia, Italy; Infinite Space, Carla Accardi e Lucio Fontana. Galleria Sperone Westwater; New York Camere Chambers, Sound Art Museum, Rome, Italy; Italy made in art – Now, MOCA Shanghai, Shanghai, China; Venezia 1948-1986 - :a scena dell'arte, Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Venice, Italy; Immaginario Femminile, Gall. Biasutti & Biasutti, Torino, Italy; 2005 Paintings 1955-2004, Sperone Westwater Gallery, New York and Casa italiana Zerrilli Marimo, New York University, USA; Segnali italiani dalla collezione d'Arte Contemporanea alla Farnesina, Galleria dell Accademia serba delle Scienze e delle Arti, Belgrado, Serbia; Accardi Turcato. Carte, Galleria Santo Picara, Firenze, Italy; 2004 Forma 1 e I suoi artisti, Riga, Casa dellle Terre Nere, Lettonia; Capricci, Ex Pinacoteca Comunale, Assisi, Italy; Accardi castellani Asdruball, Il ritmo dei sedni gall. Santo Picara, Firenze, Italy; On Paper Carla Accardi, Francesco Impellizzeri, Gall, A.A.M. Architettura Arte Moderna, Rome, Italy; Da Balla alla Transavanguardia, Triennale, Milan, Italy; Carla Accardi, Valery Koshlyakov, Sissi, Macro, Rome Italy; Dorf in die Metropole Kunstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin, Staatliche Kunsthalle Baden-Baden; Baden-Baden, Germany; 2003 Si adagiarono sparse, Magazzino d'Arte Moderna, Rome, Italy; Incontri, Galleria Borghese, Rome, Italy; Galerie Meert Rihoux, Brussels, Belgium; 2002 TRE – generazioni a confronto III, L.I. Art Laboratorio Incontri d'Arte, Rome, Italy 2001 Camera Italia, Vistamare associazione culturale, Pescara, Italy; Visita Guidata, Calcografia Nazionale; Rome, Italy; Artisti italiani del XX Secolo alla Farnesina Ministero degli Affari Esteri, Rome, Italy; Italiens Klassische Moderne, Carla Accardi, Piero Dorazio, Achille Perilli, Frankfurter Westen Galerie; Frankfurt, Germany; Belvedere italiano, 1945-2001. Linee di tendenza dell'arte contemporanea, Warsaw, Poland; 2000 Miracoli a Milano 1955-1965 Artisti Gallerie Tendenze, Comune di Milano, Museo della Permanente, Milan, Italy; Wollways, Fondation Pistoletto, Paris, France; Novacento Arte e Storia in Italia, Scuderie Papali al Quirinale, Rome, Italy; Verso Sud, Palazzo Doria Pamphilj; Valmontone, Rome, Italy; Giganti, Scavi dei Fori Imperiali, Rome, Italy; Biennale de La Havane, Havane; Forma 1 e I suoi artisti, Galleria Comunale d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Rome, Italy; Artisti Collezionisti, Palazzo delle Papesse Centro Arte Contemporanea, Siena, Italy; 1999 L'ultimo Disegno del 1999, Zerynthia Associazione per l'Arte Contemporanea, Rome, Italy; Minimalia, P.S. 1 Contemporary Art Center, New York, USA; Perché?, presentazione del numero 1 della rivista, Fossa dei serpenti, Milan, Italy; Fondo Oro, Accardi, Gilardi, Ontani, Paolini, Salvatori, Salvo, Galleria Santo Ficara, Florence, Italy; Art Club 1945-1964, la linea astratta, Basilica Palladian di Vicenza, Vicenza, Italy; 1947 Arte giovane italiana; Prague, Czech Republic.