Home Artists Chrice Mayouma


Chrice Mayouma

Brazzaville, Congo

5 Works exhibited on Kooness

Current location

Paris, France

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Works by Chrice Mayouma

La Victoire


Drawings , Oil , Mixed Media

28 x 42 x 0.1cm

780,00 €




120 x 80 x 0.2cm

2380,00 €

Mère Nature



100 x 65 x 0.1cm

1980,00 €

Jardin d'Eden



100 x 65 x 0.1cm

1980,00 €

Réflexion Sur Le Sourire



100 x 65 x 0.1cm

1980,00 €

Chrice Mayouma is a French artist born in 1985 in Brazzaville, Congo who lives & works in Paris, France. At the age of 12, he arrived in France after leaving Congo because of the civil war that clashed the country in the 90s. The horror visions of war had a profound effect on his artistic approach, he decided to take his brushes to paint onto canvases only what is most positive in the human being Through a gallery of universal, inspiring and committed characters, he integrates the image of mankind into his natural part, in order to exalt the freedom of being. Thus claiming an optimistic art marked by a deep humanism. In a style of figurative art, between naive art and the realism, he works mainly with assortments of charcoal and oil paint, the splendor and depth of the pigments allowing him to play on the contrasts and the brilliance of the colors to better highlight in his paintings subjects of peace and understanding of others. He uses paper as his main support, thanks to which he captures the depth of the material, in order to reveal the beauty of his emotions.