Home Artists Christian Jodin


Christian Jodin

Paris, France

4 Works exhibited on Kooness

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Works by Christian Jodin

Gallery Opening in New York



20 x 20 x 1cm

120,00 €

Zapping Pictural in Blue



65 x 50 x 1cm

360,00 €

Zapping Pictural of Colors



97 x 130 x 2cm

1250,00 €

Christian Jodin is a French artist born in 1970. He obtained a degree in Fine Arts from the National School of Fine Arts of Paris in 1992, where he studied engraving medals, reliefs, mosaic sculpture, painting and lithography. He then started working as an engraver at the "Monnaie de Paris", and afterwards in a photographic laboratory.

It was not until 1993 that he decided to devote himself completely to his personal artwork. Christian Jodin tries to reinvent a certain aesthetics through subject fragmentation, by repeating the same pattern, between contemporary and primitivism. He calls this technique "Pictorial Zapping ".

Christian Jodin's pieces have been exhibited in international and national exhibitions from Osaka to Monaco.