Home Artists Coco Capitán


Coco Capitan

Seville, Spain

3 Works exhibited on Kooness

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Works by Coco Capitán

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde



64 x 48cm


Coco is a Spanish-born London based artist known for her artistic and design work across different paths, practices and media. She likes making things, painting, thinking, writing, photography, listening to others, finding solutions to problems, making books, arranging spaces, mixing music, designing and exhibitions, among other things.

She was born in Seville in 1992, and moved to London at the age of 17, where she studied Photography at the University of Arts of London and majored as MA Fine Art Photography at the Royal College of Art.

Solo exhibitions

'Busy Living'
MEP: Maison Européenne De La Photographie
Paris, France

'Is It Tomorrow Yet?'
Daelim Museum
Seoul, South Korea

Selected talks & lectures

Royal College of Art: School of Fine Art
University of Cambridge: Royal Photographic Society
University of Cambridge: School of Architecture
University of Westminster
MEP Maison Europeen de la Photographie