Home Artists Emma Godebska


Emma Godebska


21 Works exhibited on Kooness

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Works by Emma Godebska

Soft red 3


Paintings , Acrylic

59.5 x 42 x 0.1cm

950,00 €

Soft red 1


Paintings , Acrylic

57 x 42 x 0.1cm

950,00 €

Mad green 10


Paintings , Acrylic

73 x 40 x 0.1cm

1009,00 €

Mad green 9


Paintings , Acrylic

73 x 40 x 0.1cm

1009,00 €

Mad green 8


Paintings , Acrylic

73 x 40 x 0.1cm

1009,00 €

Mad red 2


Paintings , Acrylic

40 x 30 x 0.1cm

783,00 €

Mad green 2


Paintings , Acrylic

40 x 30 x 0.1cm

783,00 €

Odds 9


Paintings , Acrylic

30 x 40 x 0.1cm

783,00 €

Odds 6


Paintings , Acrylic

30 x 40 x 0.1cm

783,00 €

Odds 5


Paintings , Acrylic

40 x 30 x 0.1cm

783,00 €

Emma Godebska is a French abstract artist living in Nimes, France.
Her use of natural pigments, reflective of nature itself, is in dialogue with diluted acrylic paint and performative expressions of unchoreographed, ritualistic movements. She describes her process as a visual Tai Chi in search of inner peace. Color-making is meditative and methodical. Spending hours mixing the proper colour corresponds to a feeling or emotion.
Godebska captures the essence of memories.
Her expressive marks have the emotional charge of a Mitchell, with the like-minded minimal energy of the contemporary artist, Yeo Shih Yun’s ink paintings. 



2022-Le 111 des arts, Paris, Lyon, Toulouse, France.
-Saga Godebski, Museum of des Beaux-Arts, Nimes, France.
-Mineral, Guido Romero Pierini and Faure Beaulieu galleries, Paris, France,
-Affordable Art Fair Battersea, The French art Studio Gallery, London, UK.
2021-Galerie Virginie Lesage, Paris, France.
-le 111 Des Arts Toulouse, France.
-Réalités Nouvelles Show, Paris, France.
-Paris Design week, Virginie Lesage Gallery, Paris,
2020-E-Artistes D’ici D’ailleurs, Le Réservoir, Sète, France.
-The Affordable Art Fair Battersea spring, French Art Studio gallery, London, UK.
-« Les sources du Gestes », Organised by Nimes Metropole, Beijing-Nimes 2, Nimes, France.
-London Art Fair, the French Art Studio Gallery, London, UK.
2019-“Les sources du geste », organized by Nimes Metropole, Li Keran Academy, Beijin, China.
-London Art Fair, French Art Studio gallery, London, UK.
-The Affordable Art Fair, French Art Studio gallery, London, UK.
2018-Uzès Mi-nuit blanche, Uzes Library and media centre, France.
-The Affordable Art Fair, French Art Studio gallery, London, UK.
2017-Winter group exhibition, Samira Cambie gallery, Montpelier, France. 2016-Le CRIC/Sweet Mountain gallery, Nîmes, France.
2015-Salon Le Dock, Paris, France.
2014 &15-Les 4 barbiers gallery, « carrément », Nîmes, France. 2013-3 artists 3 days, Eygalières, France.
-Atelier Étant Donné, Nîmes, France.
-Vienna Showcase Art Fair, Vienna, Austria.
-Le Grand Domaine, Marseille, France
2011-The Affordable Art Fair, Galeria StandARTE, New York, USA. 2010-100sqft, the boys club, Dalston, London, UK.


2023-Traces, Espace Culture Jean Jaurès, Vauvert, France.
2021-Center of Protestantism, Nimes, France.
2019-Espace Le Trapèze, Paris, France.
2017-Angulus Ridet gallery, Nimes, France.
-Circa Gallery, Arles, France.
2016-Objets d’Hier gallery, Nîmes, France.
2014-The Mediatheque, Uzès, France.
2013-The passage, St Quentin-La-Poterie, France.
-La Passerelle, Nîmes, France.
2012-Hôtel de Bernis, Nîmes, France.
-KAIZO salon, London, UK.
2011-House of Fairy Tales, London, UK.
2009-eCOLLEGE University, London, UK.
2008-The Old Boys Club, London, UK.


2021-Artistic collaboration with P&O, Curated By Tempest Radford Limited, UK. 2020-The Périscope Theater, Nîmes, France.
2012-Paintings and videos, Tomorrow’s Warriors et Lively up! Jazz festival, London, UK.
2010-YOU ME BUM BUM TRAIN Theatre, London, UK.
- The People’ Supermarket, London, UK.
2009-Colours and Volumes lecturer, eCOLLEGE University, London, UK.
-Art Workshops for the Wood Green Library, London, UK.
2007-Art Workshops for Mais Diferenças Association, São Paulo, Brazil.

2014-Generation Awake Competition for the European Commission, Brussels, Belgium. 2002-British Jewellery Association, design price, London, UK.
-Rashbel Marketing Price, London, UK.
2000-Goldsmith Craft Council Competition, Design category, London, UK.