Home Artists Fabio de Santis


Fabio de Santis

Genoa, Italy

2 Works exhibited on Kooness

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Works by Fabio de Santis

il bacio


Paintings , Oil

120 x 170 x 5cm

7600,00 €

le 7 siede


Paintings , Oil , Wood

90 x 120 x 5cm

4400,00 €

Fabio de Santis is an atypical painter who can be summed up by his background. Self-taught, this native of Genoa has been living in France for 7 years.

Born in 1980, Fabio de Santis was strongly influenced by symbolism in his ability to draw on a repertoire of images or postures that resonate with the collective unconscious.

His works, often portraits or figures, isolated or in groups, are at first highly architectural, confined within a rigorous geometric structure.

Often equated with photography or collage, Fabio de Santis surprises the viewer with his oil painting.