Home Artists Frédérique Morrel


Frédérique Morrel

Paris, France

2 Works exhibited on Kooness

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Works by Frédérique Morrel

Blue Bambi


Sculpture , Mixed Media

55 x 60 x 20cm


The Green Rabbit


Sculpture , Mixed Media

60 x 70 x 25cm


Born in Paris in 1958, Frédérique Morrel was graduated at Ecole Normale Sup and Applied Arts at the École Olivier de Serres, Paris. She begins a discourse on the paradox of the values ​​which maintains our society of consumption. His credo is on the skin of animals “life size” on which we see the poor become luxurious, the intimate become visible, the hidden can become spectacular, the ugly become beautiful.

Her artworks enters international art galleries, private collections, Asian international shows and big names like Hermés New York and Bergdorf Goodman New York.

Frédérique Morrel creates for the sharing and rehabilitation of the wise. At the border of all the arts, applied, plastic, crafts, his “articles” are to live, to speak to everyone, straightforward, with humor!

The “works of proximity” of Frédérique Morrel are in search of beauty. Beauty that invites a feeling of joy. If we get it, art makes us live because it carries with it a promise of happiness.