Galina Navodnitchaia-Malfoy alias Galka is a French artist born in 1971 who lives and works in Callians near Cannes in France. At the School of Fine Arts in Brest, Belarus, she studied different techniques in painting and sculpture. The artist developed her artistic talents there in drawing her inspiration from the surroundings world. Arrived in France in 1994, naturalized French in 2005, she opened her studio in Callian in 2006. Living currently in the Var, she paints the world as she perceives it, leaping it in blasts of colors as she sees with a child's heart, full of light and joy. Her works are inspired by her many travels and the magical atmosphere that derives from them. If her art is constantly changing, we find in all her artworks tastes for colors and the representation of funny and mischievous animals. Her universes often refer to the world of childhood, Galka wants to arouse joy and wonder with artworks that bear the imprint of peace.