10 Works exhibited on Kooness
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Gerard Bassols uses rhomboidal aluminum mesh, which is light, it does not rust and it’s soft enough so as to be cut by hand. With 5 superimposed layers of mesh, the white background can not be seen, Bassols starts from a dark and opaque body of material. He then manually cuts out each of the mesh layers with a precision diagonal-cutting plyers, each aluminum wire is cut by hand, one by one. As he cuts out more and more material from the different layers, the tone of grey gets lighter, until seeing the white background if he has cut the 5 consecutive wire-mesh layers.
His works reproduce figurative images of assorted themes, but his innovative technique provides them with a decidedly contemporary character, and they have also a somewhat industrial style by being works made out from metal.
From 2004 to 2014 he lived in Flanders, Belgium. During the year 2013 he started to investigate the possibilities of using metal wire mesh for artistic purposes, realizing that it is a translucid material and that by superimposing several layers of mesh he could obtain different degrees of opacity, which he could use to form images.
Since then he has been developing and perfecting this original technique which he calls “Wire Mesh 3D Art”.