Home Artists Giampiero Romanò


Giampiero Romanò

Milan, Italy

4 Works exhibited on Kooness

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Works by Giampiero Romanò

3D Martellata


Sculpture , Wood

120 x 85 x 20cm

7500,00 €



Sculpture , Mixed Media , Wood

70 x 60 x 10cm

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Sculpture , Mixed Media , Wood

80 x 62 x 15cm

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Sculpture , Mixed Media , Wood

120 x 80 x 7cm

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Giampiero Romanò, born in 1973, is an art-designer from Milan, Italy. His background is not made by design school or art academies, but rather among nails, hammers, and paints in his workshop located in the beating heart of Porta Venezia quarter, where he dedicated himself for more than 20 years to the restoration of antiques and design pieces. Thanks to such experience and extraordinary hand skills, he started a fruitful collaboration with Maurizio Cattelan and Pier Paolo Ferrari’s Toiletpaper Magazine, adding his original and recognizable touch in the display of their famous graphics by producing art pieces exposed in worldwide galleries. 

The appreciation shown for such artworks pushed Giampiero to create one of a kind pieces as an outcome of his extraordinary imagination, up to launching his own line of furniture and accessories, which name, Antichità 3000, well represents the concept the artist wants to express. If creativity is the art of looking at old things with new eyes, Antichità 3000 line perfectly embodies this idea: Giampiero Romanò melt in fact the heritage of antiques and the art of the past with a gaze to the future, to the newness, to the never seen before, in order to upset the common aesthetical canons and replace them with something new and original.

His irony and visionary, along with manufacturing skills of a yesteryear master craftsman, reflect in his artworks, where, among various creations, stand out spectacular one of a kind mirrors.