Home Artists Golfam Jozdani


Golfam Jozdani

Tehran, Iran (Islamic Republic of)

7 Works exhibited on Kooness

Current location

Tehran, Iran

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Golfam Jozdani, born in Tehran, Iran, has been passionate about art since childhood. After completing her bachelor's degree, she discovered the game Minecraft, which captivated her imagination and inspired her dream of creating similar worlds. Upon discovering 2D animation, Golfam started drawing. She became so enamored with design and painting that she couldn't let go and decided to pursue art, a long-held passion. Determined to make up for lost time, she worked diligently to enhance her knowledge and skills, striving to move in the right direction. Today, Golfam is active in design, painting, and sculpture, endeavoring to create her own world through art and to depict the feelings she cannot express in words. Despite the difficulties she faced, following her passion was the best decision she ever made, and she is very happy to have done so.