Home Artists Grigoria Vryttia


Grigoria Vryttia

United States

0 Works exhibited on Kooness

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Works by Grigoria Vryttia

Grigoria Vryttia studied sculpture at the Department of Fine and Applied Arts of the School of Fine Arts of AUTh. from 2002 to 2007. She continued with postgraduate studies on the same subject at the Wimbledon College of Art, University of the Arts, London, as a fellow of the Michelis Foundation, from 2008 to 2010. She currently lives and works in Athens. Her art practice includes soft sculptures, experiments with fabrics, other soft materials and found objects, drawings, original books and paintings. She creates a fantastic universe with linear elements, pop atmosphere, vibrant colors and twists and turns. Her references stem from the art of Asia and the wider East but also her current environment, seeking economy in the expressive elements. She also makes scrapbooks and sometimes jewelry, bags and clothes. In addition, she occasionally collaborates with indie record companies to design-manufacture cd covers and posters. She has also been involved in the construction of special objects and costume design for theater and cinema. She has presented her works in solo and group exhibitions worldwide. Now, her works exist in private collections in Greece and abroad.