Home Artists Isabel Gomez


Isabel Gomez

Medellín, Colombia

2 Works exhibited on Kooness

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Works by Isabel Gomez

María Cristina



38 x 31cm


Self portrait of my mom


Paintings , Oil

80 x 60cm


Born and currently residing in Medellín, Colombia, Isabel holds a degree in Graphic Design, with an emphasis in illustration and animation, and also studied Visual Arts in Florence, Italy at the Accademia D’Arte di Firenze. She paints and illustrates digitally as an artist. Her experience, talent, and passion has led her to working with various musical artists animating their songs, designing commercially for brands with her unique style, and has been invited to work on projects related to the current armed conflict in Colombia, a harrowing theme that deeply moves and interests her.  

Isabel is an artist of the everyday life. As she says herself, “I am inspired by the spaces where someone has left a trace of daily life… “A half-finished cup of coffee, a still burning cigarette, shoes left on the floor, clothes hanging on the line.” That she is moved by the daily life of Latin American women, especially those from the country, is of no surprise; a common recurring theme in her work are women bathed in calm, muted and tranquil colors.