Home Artists Javier Pividal


Javier Pividal


1 Works exhibited on Kooness

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Works by Javier Pividal

Javier Pividal (Cartagena, 1971) has a degree in Fine Arts and a Masters in Museology from the Polytechnic University of Valencia. Expands his studies at Southampton Solent University and in Paris where he carries out the project 'Fragments of a speech' thanks to a CAM scholarship of Plastic Arts.

He has made individual samples at the Scan Project Room in London, the Art Nueve gallery in Murcia, La Taller de Bilbao, the Louis 21 gallery in Palma de Mallorca, the Fúcares de Almagro gallery and with the publisher Ogami Press and has participated in collective exhibitions national and international, among which: Whitebox Gallery of New York, Magazin4 of Bregenz, Zuyderzee Museum of Enkhuizen, Instituto Cervantes of Naples, International Center of Graphic Arts of Slovenia, Frans Masereel Centrum de Kasterlee or MMSU of Rijeka in Croatia.

In 2015, he was awarded by the Community of Madrid for the project 'Excritura' presented by the Artnueve gallery in Estampa. Among his latest projects, the collective exhibition 'One does not write, luminously, on a dark field' curated by Óscar Fernández for the José Guerrero de Granada Center and the individual exhibition 'Why is lasting better than burning?' in the Veron Hall of Murcia. In 2019 he will participate in the 14th Biennial Martínez Guerricabeitia and will be part of the exhibition 'Mia anima nera' curated by Jesús Alcaide for the Blueproject Foundation of Barcelona.