Home Artists Joe Okitawonya


Joe Okitawonya (DRC)


0 Works exhibited on Kooness

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Works by Joe Okitawonya

Joe Okitawonya Malandy is a Congolese painter born in 1978 in Kinshasa (DRC). Recipient of a scholarship, he is the first national of the Democratic Republic of Congo to have studied at the Ecole supérieure des beaux-arts d'Alger.In his artistic practice, Joe Okitawonya interprets painting as a sentient being with the capacity to convey a message, and through this perception develops his pictorial theory of the G-spot."Painting being a practice of singular sensitivity, our gaze on a blank canvas is that of a man in front of a naked woman, inspiring deep within us strong sensations and perceptions, which obviously put us in a state of tension. From this anguish arises the problem of how to find the G-spot of my painting through the shapes I give to my subject and the warm or cold colors that impose themselves on it", explains the artist.