Home Artists Koen Vermeule


Koen Vermeule


1 Works exhibited on Kooness

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Works by Koen Vermeule



Paintings , Drawings

50 x 65cm


Koen Vermeule's lake and urban landscapes are less narrative than fleetingly captured moments than reflections on society, its rapid technological development and the associated social behavior. His quiet and theatrical urban landscapes focus on scenes with people pausing in their actions and movements, like snapshots. Deliberately integrated into the art historical heritage of the 20th century, he is always able to convey his own characteristics in his works.Koen Vermeule's lake and urban landscapes are less narrative than fleetingly captured moments than reflections on society, its rapid technological development and the associated social behavior. His quiet and theatrical urban landscapes focus on scenes with people pausing in their actions and movements, like snapshots. Deliberately integrated into the art historical heritage of the 20th century, he is always able to convey his own characteristics in his works.