Home Artists Lara Lanawi


Lara Lanawi


1 Works exhibited on Kooness

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Works by Lara Lanawi



, Mixed Media

104 x 104cm



Driven by her passion for abstract art, she is a full-time painter based in Geneva (Switzerland). Her journey as a self-taught artist intuitively started at a young age, as she has always been fascinated by the powerful impact of an art piece in a room. Throughout the years, she naturally began exploring and experimenting with many painting and drawing techniques. She has also been immersed in the fascinating art world by studying art history and interior design, which has allowed her to explore different aspects of art.

Today, being a full-time artist allows her to make art that truly revolves around her two biggest passions: art and travel.


Through calming shades and harmonious textures, the project behind my art is to bring a sense of serenity. A piece of art that interacts the elements of light, color and depth.

From living in Hawaii, to discovering the endless desert of Jordan, I mainly draw my inspiration from my multiple travels, multicultural background, and the extreme power of nature. Fascinated by the unpredictable shapes of the ocean and the desert, my art is a reflection of captured images expressed through the canvas. Focused on textures and materiality, you will often find me using sand for most of my artworks.