Home Artists Helena Heinrihsone


Helena Heinrihsone


1 Works exhibited on Kooness

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Works by Helena Heinrihsone

Mohr und Mohrin mit Deckeldose



153 x 107cm


1948  Born in Riga
1973  Graduated from the Department of Painting of the Latvian Academy of Art, Riga / Latvia
Member of the Artist’s Union of Latvia
Lives and work in Riga / Latvia

Solo exhibitions (selection)

2018    "Passing by" - Maksla XO Gallery, Riga / Latvia

2017    "Helena Heinrihsone" - Kuldiga Atr House, Kuldiga / Latvia

2017    "Flaying", Makslai vajag telpu, Riga / Latvia

2017    "With Watercolours" - Maksla XO Gallery, Riga / Latvia

2016    "I love you. Tribute to Alex Katz" - Maksla XO Gallery, Riga / Latvia

2015    "Diary" - Maksla XO Gallery, Riga / Latvia

2014    "In the Sea" - Maksla XO Gallery, Riga / Latvia 

2014    "Magic Realism" - Gallery Bastejs, Riga / Latvia

2013    "Hot" - Maksla XO Gallery, Riga / Latvia

2012    "Apartment" - Maksla XO Gallery, Riga / Latvia

2011    "Watercolour" - Maksla XO Gallery, Riga / Latvia

2010    “Painted From” - Maksla XO Gallery, Riga / Latvia

2009    “Watercolours” - Gallery Bastejs, Riga / Latvia

2007    “Hey, Mole!” - Latvian National Museum of Art *, Riga / Latvia

2004    “Summer Faces” - Maksla XO Gallery, Riga / Latvia

2002    “Helena Heinrihsone: Paintings” - Riga  Gallery, Riga / Latvia*

2001    “Total Bill” - Maksla XO Gallery, Riga / Latvia

2000    “Double Life” - Ivonna Veiherte Gallery, Riga / Latvia

1999    “Private Life” - Linna Gallery, Tallin / Estonia

1998    “Roses and Documents” - Ivonna Veiherte Gallery, Riga / Latvia

1997    “Weeping Women” - Riga  Gallery, Riga / Latvia

1996    “Important Meeting” - Riga Gallery, Riga / Latvia (together with Ivars Heinrihsons)          

1993     Altarpiece for the Kolka Evangelic Lutheran Church - Kolka / Latvia

            “Watercolours” - Gallery Bastejs, Riga / Latvia

1992     “Paintings” - Riga Gallery – Riga / Latvia (together with Ivars Heinrihsons)

1990     “Helena Heinrihsone. Painting” - State Museum of Art, Riga / Latvia*


Group exhibitions (selection)

Participates in Exhibitions since 1972. 

2018      "Art Doesn't Separate, Art Unites!" - Global Center for Latvian Art (PLMS), Cesis / Latvia

2018      PAPER POSITIONS BERLIN 2018 - Maksla XO Gallery, Berlin / Germany*

2018      "Contemporay Latvian Watercolour", Daugavpils Mark Rotho Art Center, Daugavpils / Latvia

2017      "TOP in formation. Exhibition of Zuzāns Collection" - Latvian National Museum of Art, Riga / Latvia*

2017      "Experimental sidestep", Gallery Putti, Riga / Latvia

2017      ART MADRID 2017 - Maksla XO Gallery, Madrid / Spain*

2016      ART MADRID 2016 - Maksla XO Gallery, Madrid / Spain*

2016     "Black Paintings" - Maksla XO Gellery, Riga / Latvia

2016     "Inconvenient Gender" - The Art Academy of Latvia, Riga / Latvia

2015     "Watercolour in Latvia. 19th – 21st Centuries" - The Latvian National Museum of Art - the Arsenals Exhibition Hall, Riga / Latvia*

2015     ART MARKET BUDAPEST 2015 - Maksla XO Gallery, Budapest / Hungary*

2015     "Self-Portrait" - Maksla XO Gellery, Riga / Latvia

2015     "Captive Beauty in Miniature" - Maksla XO Gellery, Riga / Latvia

2014     "Latvians. Myths and Contexts" - Mukusalas Art Salon, Riga / Latvia

2014     ART VILNIUS 14 – Maksla XO Gallery, Vilnius / Lithuania*

2013     "Rigas Laiks" - Maksla XO Gellery, Riga / Latvia

2013     "Nudity" - Mukusalas Art Salon, Riga / Latvia

2013     "Pink" - Maksla XO Gellery, Riga / Latvia

2013     "Madonnas" - Mukusalas Art Salon, Riga / Latvia

2013     "Holy Shit" - Gallery Bastejs, Riga / Latvia

2011     "White and Blue" - Maksla XO Gellery, Riga / Latvia

2011     "Is It That He Does Not Seek The Truth, But Does Want To Influence?" - Riga Art Space, Riga / Latvia

2011      ART VILNIUS 2011 - Maksla XO Gallery, Vilnius / Lithuania*

2011     "European Cities in the Paintings of Latvian Artists No 4" - “Asuna” Gallery, Riga / Latvia*

2011     "Dr. Guntis Belevic Art Collection" - The Arsenals Exhibition Hall of Latvian National Museum of Art, Riga/ Latvia*

2010     "European Cities in the Paintings of Latvian Artists No 3" - “Asuna” Gallery, Riga / Latvia*

2010     "Painting in Latvia 1950 – 1990 from Latvian Art Union Collection" - Riga Art Space, Riga / Latvia   

2010     “Cities of Europe in the Works of the Latvian Painters No. 2” - European Commission Representation. Gallery
             Asuna,Riga / Latvia; Representation of the Republic Latvia to the Eurepean Union, Brussels* / Belgium

2010     "Golden Works" - The Exhibition Hall Arsenals of Latvian National Museum of Art, Riga/Latvia

2009     ART VILNIUS 2009 – Maksla XO Gallery, Vilnius / Lithuania*

2009     „Drawing" - Maksla XO Gallery, Riga / Latvia

2009     “Conversion” - Design and Decorative Art Museum, Riga / Latvia

2009     “Artist Portrets and  Self-portrets” – TheExhibition Hall Arsenals of the Latvian National Museum of Art, Riga*/

2009     “Tuareg Blue” -Gallery Bastejs, Riga / Latvia

2008     “Cities of Europe in the Works of the Latvian Painters “ - Art Gallery Asuna,Riga*/ Latvia

2008     "The Purvītis Prize" - The Exhibition Hall Arsenals of the Latvian National Museum of Art, Riga / Latvia

2007     “Echoes of Fauvism. Latvian Painting: 1910 – 1980” – The Exhibition Hall Arsenals of the Latvian National
             Museum of Art – Riga / Latvia

2005     “Vita Nuova. La Lettonia in Europa” - Pallazzo Reale, Napoli / Italy 

2005     Bejing Contemporary: Art Fair – Bejing / China*

            “Litographers V” - Maksla XO Gallery, Riga / Latvia

             “Latvian Past War Time Art” - Exhibition Hall Arsenals of the Latvian National Museum of Art, Riga / Latvia*

2004      “Art on Paper” - Riga Gallery, Riga / Latvia

             “Still Life” - The Exhibition HallArsenals of the Latvian Nationa Museum of Art, Riga / Latvia

             “6 from Riga” – Akvarelcentrum, Solentuna / Sweden

             “Arte Lettone Contemporanea” - Sala Museale del Barracano, Bologna / Italy*

              Arte Fiera – Forli, Italy

2003      “Wild Photographers” - Sapnu Factory, Riga / Latvia

              “Abstractionism in Latvian Painting” - Exhibition Hall Arsenals of the Latvian National Museum of Art, Riga /

              “Dispute. Self-Portrait with an Old Master” - Maksla XO Gallery, Riga / Latvia*

              “Latvia. Surprising Art from 20th Century” - Stedelijk Museum, Zwolle / Netherlandes*

2002      “Small Size Paintings” -  Mimi Ferzt Gallery, New York / USA

2001      “12th  Tallin Print Festival” -  Roterman’s Salt Storage Arts Centre, Tallin / Estonia*

              International Art Salon - Central Artists` Hause, Moscow / Russia*

              “Painter and Porcelain” – State Museum of Art, Riga / Latvia

              “To Paint Riga” - Artists` Union of Latvia Gallery, Riga / Latvia

             “Metropolis: Riga” - Exhibition Hall of Stock Exchange Building – Riga / Latvia*

2000      “Naked Artist” - Riga Gallery, Riga / Latvia

             “Three Friends: Helena Heinrihsone, Anna Heinrihsone, Ivars Heinrihsons” -  Gallery Bastejs, Riga / Latvia

             “Art Nouveau of Riga” - Riga Gallery, Riga / Latvia*

1999      “Nudes” -  Mimi Fertz Gallery, New York / USA

             “15 Artists from Latvia” - Gallery ‘J+B’, Copenhagen / Denmark

             “Past-Present-Futurte. Three Painters from Riga” - Gallery Egelund, Copenhagen / Denmark*

1998      “Latvian Contemporary Art” - Danish House, Paris / France*

             “Litography” - Litografiska Akademin, Tidaholm / Sweden

             “11th Tallin Print Festival” - Rotermann’s Salt Storage Arts Centre, Tallin / Estonia*

             “Harmony. Latvian Art Exhibition” - Theter Chavta, Tel-Aviv / Israel

1997      “Latvian Contemporary Art” - Grand Salle de l’Aubette, Strasbourg / France*

1996      “ 23 Artistas de Letonia” - Sala Millares, Madrid / Spain*

             “Baltic States’ Art Exhibition” - UNESCO Exhibition Hall, Paris / France*

             “Women Painting Women” - Mini Fertz Gallery, New York / USA*

1995      “Lettisk Kunst” - Artists’ Centre, Arthus / Denmark

Public collections:

The Latvian National Museum of Art – Riga / Latvia

Artists’ Union of  Latvia Art Collection – Riga / Latvia

State Tretyakov Gallery – Moscow / Russia

Jane Voorhees Zimmerly Museum, USA

Rutgers University - New Brunswick, NJ, USA

Swedbank Contemporary Art Collection- Riga / LatviaState Bank of Latvia – Riga / Latvia

2009    Nominant for the Purvītis Award

2008    Diena Annual Culture Award

2008    Lielais Kristaps (“Big Kristap”)– Prize of Latvian Filmmakers Union

2008    Order of the Three Stars – order awarded for merits in service for Latvia