Home Artists Laurence Vallieres


Laurence Vallieres

Quebéc City, Canada

1 Works exhibited on Kooness

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Works by Laurence Vallieres

Social Stratification


Sculpture , Mixed Media

54 x 50 x 48cm


Born in Québec city in 1986 Laurence Vallières was discovered by the creation of large-scale sculptures in cardboard.

She studied at Concordia University in visual arts before doing an exchange program in Los Angeles to further her knowledge in ceramics.

It’s only after graduation and doing an artist residency in Russia that she appropriated the street art influence in her work.

By using cardboard, material that she finds in abundance in the street she can create large work on the spot in every part of the world she goes. In the past few years, Vallières has spent much time outside of Canada, showing notably in The United States, Europe and Asia.