Home Artists Leila Reinert


Leila Reinert

1965 - 2019
Joinville, Brazil

54 Works exhibited on Kooness

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Works by Leila Reinert

Untitiled 15th


Digital , Digital Print

18 x 13.5cm

1055,00 €

Untitiled 14th


Digital , Digital Print

18 x 13.5cm

1055,00 €

Untitiled 13th


Digital , Digital Print

13.5 x 18cm

1055,00 €

Untitiled 12th


Digital , Digital Print

13.5 x 18cm

1055,00 €

Untitiled 11th


Digital , Digital Print

13.5 x 18cm

1055,00 €

Untitiled 10th


Digital , Digital Print

13.5 x 18cm

1055,00 €

Untitiled 9th


Digital , Digital Print

13.5 x 18cm

1055,00 €

Untitiled 8th


Digital , Digital Print

13.5 x 18cm

1055,00 €

Untitiled 7th


Digital , Digital Print

13.5 x 18cm

1055,00 €

Untitiled 6th


Digital , Digital Print

13.5 x 18cm

1055,00 €

Visual Artist and Research Professor in the Design Program at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of Mackenzie Presbyterian University. Graduated in Painting from the School of Music and Fine Arts of Paraná, Curitiba/PR, and in Fine Arts from the University of Paris I – Pantheon-Sorbonne, Paris, France. Master’s in Communication and Semiotics from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo – PUC/SP. PhD candidate in Communication and Semiotics at the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo – PUC/SP. She has participated in several group exhibitions of contemporary art in museums, galleries, and cultural centers in Brazil and France. She has held solo exhibitions and has works in private collections and in the collection of the Museum of Modern Art of São Paulo – MAM/SP.
Leila Reinert, 1965 – Joinville/SC – lives in São Paulo Exhibitions 2006 – Exhibition of artist professors from UPM – Murcia, Spain 2006 – "Amor e Falto-retratos" – Virgílio Gallery – São Paulo/SP 2005 – Coletiva br 2005 – Virgílio Gallery – São Paulo/SP 2005 – L’Arte nell’Università: Instituto Brasil-Itália – Milan, Italy 2004 – Tapa e fotos – Tapa Gallery – Ribeirão Preto/SP 2004 – Outros lugares – Virgílio Gallery – São Paulo/SP 2003 – Coletiva de fotografias – Virgílio Gallery – São Paulo/SP 2002 – Matéria Prima – NovoMuseu – Arte Arquitetura e Cidade – Curitiba/PR 2002 – GENIUS LOCI – O espírito do lugar – Circuito Vila Buarque de Educação e Cultura – São Paulo/SP 2002 – Photographs in the collection of the Museum of Modern Art of São Paulo – MAM/SP 2002 – Da alternancia dos Ritmos – Funarte/SP 2001 – "Quando o cotovelo vira coração, poderá a dor dar?" – Espaço Virgílio – São Paulo/SP 2001 – "Quando o cotovelo vira coração, poderá a dor dar?" – Unicamp/IA Art Gallery – Campinas/SP 2001 – "Uma luz e algo mais que um fato curioso" – Maria Antônia University Center – São Paulo/SP 1998 – Açõe e Reações de um Gesto Criativo – Mube – São Paulo/SP 1997 – VI Bienal de Santos Artes Visuais – Santos/SP 1997 – ABRA/COCA-COLA Exhibition Program – Paço das Artes – São Paulo/SP 1997 – Projeto ICEBERG – Billboard display of photographic image 1997 – Coletiva Artistas Jovens – São Paulo Gallery – São Paulo/SP 1997 – "Identidade não Identidade" – Museum of Modern Art of São Paulo – MAM/SP 1997 – V Salão Nacional Victor Meireles – Museum of Art of Santa Catarina – Florianópolis/SC 1996 – Projeto Macunaíma – Funarte – Rio de Janeiro/RJ 1996 – "Avenida Paulista Quadrante 1842" – Caixa Econômica Federal Cultural Space – São Paulo/SP 1996 – "Habitar" Project – Caixa Econômica Federal Cultural Center – São Paulo/SP 1995 – "Tradição e Pioneirismo" – Museum of Modern Art of São Paulo – MAM/SP 1994 – 4th Biennial of Visual Arts at the University – Bernanos Gallery – Paris, France 1993 – "Salon de la Jeune Peinture" – Grand Palais – Paris, France 1993 – "Lisieres" – Latin American Space – Paris, France 1993 – IV Meeting of Researchers in France – Maison de Portugal – Paris, France 1992 – "Petit Format" – Latin American Space – Paris, France 1991 – Group Exhibition – Portão Cultural Center – Curitiba/PR 1991 – Group Exhibition – Itaú Gallery – São Paulo/SP 1987 – "Coletiva" 33X2 – Casa da Cultura – Joinville/SC 1987 – "Figura Humana em Tamanho Natural" – Curitiba Cultural Foundation – Curitiba/PR 1987 – "IN/EX posição" – Solar do Barão – Casa da Gravura – Curitiba/PR Works in Public Collections Museum of Modern Art of São Paulo – MAM/SP Publications 2005 – A Fotografia apesar da Fotografia – section: Fim de Semana – page 2 – Gazeta Mercantil – São Paulo/SP 2004 – Jornalismo e Realidade: a crise de representação do real e a construção simbólica da realidade / Malena Segura Contrera, Rosali Rossi Figueiredo, and Leila Reinert. – São Paulo: Editora Mackenzie, 2004. 2001 – Para Falar de um corpo Revista Mackenzie – year 1 – number 1 – Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie Faculdade de Comunicação e Artes, Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Educação – Postgraduate Program in Education, Art, and History of Culture 1997 – Projeto Iceberg – Caderno de Subjetividade – volume 5 – number 2 – Núcleo de Pesquisa da Subjetividade do programa de Estudos Pós-Graduados em Psicologia Clinica da PUC/SP Educational Background 1995/1998 – Master’s in Communication and Semiotics – PUC/SP 1993/1994 – Maîtrise d'Art Plastique – UFR des Arts Plastiques et des Sciences de L'Art / University of Paris I – Pantheon/Sorbonne – Paris 1992/1993 – Licence d'Art Plastique – UFR des Arts Plastiques et des Sciences de L'Art – University of Paris I – Pantheon/Sorbonne – Paris 1988/1989 – Post-Graduation in Art History – Lato-Senso – Fundação Armando Álvares Penteado – FAAP – São Paulo/SP 1984/1987 – Bachelor’s in Painting – School of Music and Fine Arts of Paraná – Curitiba/PR 1983 – Technical Course in Decoration – Professional title conferred: Furniture Designer – CEFET/PR – Curitiba/PR