Home Artists Manuel San-Payo


Manuel San-Payo

Lisbon, Portugal

1 Works exhibited on Kooness

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Works by Manuel San-Payo



Drawings , Mixed Media

70 x 100cm


1958 - Lisbon, Portugal. 

- Degree in Painting at E.S.B.A.L. (Superior School of Fine Arts of Lisbon), in 1985; 
- Doctorate degree in Drawing at E.S.B.A.L. (Superior School of Fine Arts of Lisbon), in 2009; 
- Assistant Professor of Drawing at F.B.A.U.L. (Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Lisbon); 
- Numerous collaborations as an Illustrator for journals, books, cd covers, posters, etc.; 
- One of the founding members of the Monumental Gallery, in Lisbon, 
where he currently works as a curator; 
- Exhibits his artworks since 1981.

SOLO EXHIBITIONS (selection): 
2017 - Untitled, Painting, Monumental Gallery, Lisbon; 
2015 - “Soma Agreste”, Painting, Casa da Cultura de Setúbal, Setúbal; 
- “A insustentável empresa da cera”, Painting, Monumental Gallery, Lisbon; 
2014 - “A insustentável empresa da cera”, Painting, Centésima Página, Braga; 
- “A insustentável empresa da cera”, Painting, Má Arte Gallery, Aveiro; 
2013 - "São flores"; Painting, Monumental Gallery, Lisbon; 
2011 - “Árvore das Quintas”, Painting, Monumental Gallery, Lisbon; 
- “Bunny&Bear”, Painting, Monumental Gallery, Lisbon. 

2017 - "Alice's Mail Art", Mail Art, Monumental Gallery, Lisbon; 
- JustMad8 Emerging Art Fair, Stand of the Monumental Gallery, Madrid; 
2012 - “Teleférico Dinâmico”, Gomes Alves Gallery, Guimarães; 
2011 - “The Moment of Privacy has Passed”, Usher Gallery, Lincoln; 
- “Diários Gráficos em Almada”, City Museum, Almada; 
- “D`Après Nuno Gonçalves”, Gallery of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Lisbon, Lisbon.

- GUERREIRO, Fernando, “O Sol na Gruta - A Invenção da Pintura”, 
editing by Vértice, 1992, pp. 19-22; 
- JORGE, João Miguel Fernandes, “Manuel San Payo” in “Abstract & Tartarugas - Luz e Sombra Visível”, Lisboa, editing by Relógio d’Água, 1995, pp. 277-280/426-429; 
- LLHANSOL, Maria Gabriela, “O príncipe Feliz”, text of the catalog of the painting exhibition at the Monumental Gallery, Lisbon, 1992; 
- LOPES, Silvina Rodrigues, “Uma paisagem é uma paisagem?”, 
in Magazine LER, nº 60, 2003, pp. 43-49; 
- ROSENGARTEN, Ruth and Manuel San Payo, Monumental Gallery, Lisbon, in Magazine Visão, 12nd May 1994, p. 107; 
- SAN PAYO, Patrícia, “Do Império a Olho de Pássaro”, editing by Vértice, 1992, pp. 17-18; 
- SENA-LINO, Pedro, “O (In)desejável (Im)perfeito”, in Mil Folhas, 
editing by PÚBLICO, 31st July 2004; 

- AAVV, “Contos Capitais”, editing by Parsifal, Lisbon, 2013 (Illustrations); 
- AAVV, “Diários Gráficos em Almada”, Catalog, Museum of Almada, 2011, pp. 79- 81 Salavisa; 
- AAVV, “Encenar a Cidade - Intervenções Artísticas nos Tapumes das Obras do Metropolitano de Lisboa”, Metropolitano de Lisboa, Lisbon, 1994; 
- AAVV, “O Jogo da Glória - O Século XX Malvisto pelo Desenho de Humor”, editing by Quidnovi, Presidency of the Republic, Lisbon, 2013 (article); 
- “As marcas do lápis” in AAVV, “Arriscar uma Ideia”, catalog of the exhibition at the The Botanical Garden - Natural History Museum, Lisbon, 2002, pp.12-15; 
BIRCH, Helen, "Freehand, sketching tips & tricks drawn from art", editing by Hardie Grant books, Rotovision, 2013, Melbourne, London (Illustrations); 
- CARVALHO, Cristina, “Ana de Londres”, editing by Parsifal, Lisbon, 2013 (Illustrations); 
- CARVALHO, Cristina, “Quatro Cantos do Mundo”, editing by Planeta, Lisbon, 2014 (Illustrations); 
- MONTEIRO, Sara (coord.), “Sei quem sabe 2”, editing by Odemira Foundation, “Desenho” by Manuel San Payo, 2011, pp. 31-36; 
- Preface of “A Obra de Arte desconhecida” by Honoré de Balzac, Silvina Rodrigues Lopes (trad.), editing by Vendaval, Viseu, 2002; 
- Preface of “Fragmentos pessoais de Caseirão na Casa Fernando Pessoa”, City Hall of Lisbon (org.), Lisbon, 2002; 
- SALAVISA, Eduardo, “Diários de Viagem”, editing by Quimera, 2008; 
SAN PAYO, Manuel, “Da mancha no desenho”, proofs of pedagogical aptness and scientific capacity, University of Lisbon, 2000; 

- SAN PAYO, Manuel, “Da mancha no desenho”, proofs of pedagogical aptness and scientific capacity, University of Lisbon, 2000; 
- SAN PAYO, Manuel, “Lápis: a linha clara”, proofs of pedagogical aptness and scientific capacity, University of Lisbon, 2000; 
- SAN PAYO, Manuel, “O desenho em viagem: Álbum, Caderno ou Diário Gráfico. O Álbum de Domingos António de Sequeira”, PhD Thesis/Drawing, University of Lisbon, 2009;