Home Artists Marietta Toledo


Marietta Toledo

13 Works exhibited on Kooness

Current location

São Paulo, Brazil

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Works by Marietta Toledo



Paintings , Watercolors

45 x 32cm

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Em verde


Paintings , Acrylic

58 x 39cm

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Amarrilho de ráfia cristal No 4


Sculpture , Textile

25 x 180 x 30cm

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Amarrilho de ráfia cristal No 2


Textile , Sculpture

132 x 32 x 32cm

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470 metros de barbante preto


Sculpture , Textile

150 x 5cm

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305 metros de barbante cru no 2


Textile , Sculpture

17 x 16 x 17cm

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Florescer no. 2



30 x 93cm

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Florescer no. 1



28 x 100cm

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Tecidos da luz: Azul e prata



66 x 68cm

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Tecidos da luz: Pretos com Dourado



97 x 78cm

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Licensed in Visual Arts from the Armando Alvares Penteado Foundation (FAAP), São Paulo, in 2006. In 2018, completed a postgraduate degree in Contemporary Art Practices at the same institution, resulting in the publication of “Repetition as a Measure of Time” and the collective exhibition “It’s a Solo That Others Follow” at the Brazilian Art Museum (MAB) in São Paulo. At the end of 2022, after an artistic residency in Épecuen, Argentina, produced works with sewn, cut, and reassembled fabrics on mesh, resulting in the solo exhibition “Exist, Spin, Resist,” showcasing the artworks created during the artistic residency and their reverberation in textile works. In addition to artistic production, also conducts workshops on artistic practices since 2019.
EDUCATION 2024: Postgraduate Course: “Walking as a Method for Art and Education” – A Casa Tombada - FACONNECT 2017: Postgraduate in Contemporary Artistic Practices – Fundação Armando Alvares Penteado (FAAP) 2006: Bachelor of Arts – Fundação Armando Alvares Penteado (FAAP) EXHIBITIONS 2024: Confluências – CasaGaleria and Loly Demercian Art Workshop 2023: EntreLaçadas, Women in the Arts – Juracy Magalhães Junior Library, Itaparica, BA Por Um Dia Projeto, 2 +1 Project – CasaGaleria and Loly Demercian Art Workshop 2022: Existir, Girar, Resistir – CasaGaleria and Loly Demercian Art Workshop Group 7 + Reinventado Leila Reinert – FUNARTE SP EntreLaçadas, Women in the Arts – French Alliance Cultural Center, Salvador, BA 2021: Artistic Residency in Epecuén IX Edition – House of Culture, Carhué, Argentina 2020: Ecos do Efêmero – Oswald de Andrade Cultural Workshop Afetos de Paisagem – CasaGaleria and Loly Demercian Art Workshop 2019: CNT 2019 - New Talents Collective 2019 – CasaGaleria and Loly Demercian Art Workshop FEAC - Experimental Contemporary Art Fair – Shopping Cidade Jardim CasaOcupa-Grupo 7 – CasaGaleria and Loly Demercian Art Workshop 2018: CNT 2018 - New Talents Collective 2018 – CasaGaleria and Loly Demercian Art Workshop Um Convite à Convivência – Fresta Gallery It Is a Solo That Others Accompany – MAB FAAP – Centro EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES FUNARTE – SP (in-person workshops): 2023: Practicing Duchamp: Appropriation and Assemblage in Visual Arts Textile Art Practice in the Week of '22: Revisiting Regina Gomide Graz Oswald de Andrade Cultural Workshop – SP (in-person workshop): 2022: Practicing Duchamp: Appropriation and Assemblage in Visual Arts Oswald de Andrade Cultural Workshop – SP (virtual workshops): 2023: Collage Practice: Revisiting Henri Matisse and Hannah Höch (Poiesis-Interior) Textile Art Practice: Prints and Scraps in Visual Arts (Poiesis-Interior) 2022: Practicing Duchamp: Appropriation and Assemblage in Visual Arts (Poiesis-Interior) Creative Practices in Visual Arts and Surrealists (Poiesis-Interior) Textile Art Practice in the Week of '22: Revisiting Regina Gomide Graz 2021: 1922-2022: The Modernist Movement and Contemporary Art, Breaking Paradigms in Visual Arts Creative Practices in Visual Arts and Surrealists Practices of Thread Interlacing 2020: Creative Painting Workshop Thread Interlacing Practice