Home Artists Martín Reyna


Martín Reyna


28 Works exhibited on Kooness

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Works by Martín Reyna

L'île (Untitled 23042)


Paintings , Oil

100 x 150cm

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Untitled 24043


Paintings , Oil

75 x 104cm

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Untitled 21311


Paintings , Oil

30 x 30cm

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Untitled 21312


Paintings , Oil

60 x 60cm

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Untitled 21302


Paintings , Oil

60 x 60cm

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Untitled 24045


Paintings , Oil

80 x 80cm

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Untitled 24040


Paintings , Oil

100 x 100cm

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150 x 240 x 1cm

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Untitled 23064


Paintings , Oil

150 x 200cm

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Untitled 22033



70 x 49.5cm

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Martín Reyna is an Argentinian-born abstract painter living in Paris, France. His gestural abstract paintings delight the eye and activate the mind with their luminous color relationships and deft explorations of perspective and space. Reyna works with ink, acrylics and oils on canvas or paper. One of his signature techniques is to dilute his mediums so the colors will dissipate and intermingle in uncontrolled ways. When using ink on paper, a small bit of water is introduced to the surface, creating profound effects as the color seems to vibrate outward, expanding harmoniously into space.  Reyna is interested in the balance between freedom and planning. His method is to meticulously plan the linear and spatial properties of his compositions, while leaving room to instigate moments within his process when the forces of nature take over, leading the work in directions he cannot foresee. Two different, but complementary objectives inspire Reyna as he works.  The first, as described above, concerns his technical method of pitting the forces of chaos against those of control, by selectively moistening his surfaces so the mediums will react in spontaneous and unpredictable ways.  The second concerns compositional harmony. Reyna is interested in exploring how the negative, or unpainted, areas of the surface interact with those areas that are activated by line, color, and form. He has described his compositions as “Landscapes of Space.” Unlike landscapes that portray the natural world, these abstract landscapes reveal new perspectives on how color, form, light, and emptiness interact within the illusionary, spatial void.
Reyna has exhibited in numerous solo and group exhibitions in Europe, South America, and the United States.  Recent solo exhibitions include Teodora Galerie, Paris, Artemisa Gallery, NYC, Infinito Gallery, Buenos Aires, Antidote Art & Design, Dubai, and Kentler International Drawing Space, New York. 2018       La bibliothèque. Library Henri Ey. Hospital Sainte-Anne. Paris 2017       En suspension. Teodora Gallery. Paris 2016       Shadows in the water,  Artemisa Gallery, New York, USA  Del Paseo Gallery, Punta del Este, Uruguay    2015       Fugues, Teodora Gallery, Paris, France 2014       Noir et blanc en couleur,  Argentinian Gallery,  Argentinian Embassy,  Paris. 2013       Perspectiva Asturiana, Maison de l'Amérique Latine, Paris 2012        En el horizonte del color, Del Infinito Arte Gallery, Buenos  Aires, Argentina Del Infinito Arte Gallery, Bogotá, Colombia, A l'horizon de la couleur, MGE Gallery, Paris, France 2010       Hogar Collection Gallery,  New York, USA 2009       La couleur de l’eau, D’Est et d’Ouest Gallery, Paris France.                2008       La couleur de l’eau, Pavillon de l’eau, Paris, France                                                                            Artemisa Gallery. Brussels, Belgium. 2007       Angers-Buenos Aires, University of Angers, France 2006       About the painting,  Hogar Collection Gallery, New York,  USA  Carta et aquarello,  Instituto Italo Latinoamericano, Roma, Italy        Arboles, Karen Boltax Gallery, New York, USA Ouvrir le rien, Pax Gallery,  Virginie Boissière Art Contemporain, Knokke-Zoute, Belgium 2005       Scope London, Virginie Boissière art contemporain, London, England.                            Del Infinito Arte Gallery, Buenos Aires, Argentina Consulate General of Argentina,  Art Gallery, New York City, USA 2004       Sans titre, Espace Adamskidesign, Virginie Boissière Art  Contemporain, Paris, France 2003       Pinturas. Cultural  Center  Candido Mendes. Rio de   Janeiro,  Brasil 2001       Argentinian Gallery,  Argentinian Embassy  Paris, France Del Infinito  Gallery,  Buenos Aires, Argentina 1999       Del Infinito Arte Gallery, Buenos Aires, Argentina 1997       Keller Space, Paris, France Cultural Center of Recoleta, Buenos Aires, Argentin 1995       Klemm Gallery, Buenos Aires, Argentina El Museo Gallery, Bogotá, Colombia 1994       Michel Vidal Gallery, Paris, France 1992      Jacob Karpio Gallery, San José de Costa Rica, Costa Rica 1990       Adriana Rosenberg Gallery, Buenos Aires, Argentina 1989       Adriana Rosenberg Gallery, Buenos Aires, Argentina 1988       Subdistrito Gallery, São Paolo, Brasil Del Retiro Gallery, Buenos Aires, Argentina  Del Retiro Gallery, Buenos Aires, Argentina 

Catalogues, Books and monographes

Philippe Cyroulnik, Paralelo 42°,  Estela Gismero Editions, Buenos Aires, 2017

Herminia Mérega, Sarah T. Reyna, Martín Reyna, Horacio Spinetto, Bruno Tessarech,

En plein air,  Herminia Mérega  Editions,  Buenos Aires,  2015

Danielle Raymond, Talentos argentinos en París,  Larivière Editions,  Buenos Aires, february 2014

Philippe Cyroulnik, En el horizonte del color,  Del  Infinito Arte Gallery Editions, Buenos Aires,  september 2012

Viviana Usubiaga, Imágenes Inestables. Artes visuales, dictadura y democracia en Buenos  Aires,  Edhasa Editions, Buenos Aires, 2012    

Ana María Battistozzi, Lucas Fragasso, Roberto Amigo,  Escenas de los 80. Los primeros años, Proa Foundation Editions,  Buenos Aires,  2011      

Lila Zemborain,  El color del agua,  Virginie Boissière art contemporain Editions, Paris, 2008

Jorge López Anaya, Arte argentino. Cuatro siglos de historia (1600-2000),  Emecé Arte Editions,  Buenos Aires, 2005    

Jorge López  Anaya, Hugo Petruschansky, Pierre Wat, Sín título, Martín Reyna, 1983-2004, co-edition Virginie Boissière art Contemporain, Paris, France y Galería Del Infinito Arte, Buenos Aires, octubre de 2004

Philippe Cyroulnik, Traversées du paysage, Le 19 Editions, CRAC, june 2004 

María Teresa Costantín, Nora Hochbaum, Duilio Pierri, Pintura Argentina 1975-2003, Manos en la Masa, la persistencia, Centro Cultural Recoleta y Fundación Banco Ciudad, Editions,  october  2003

Philippe Cyroulnik, Fabián Lebenglik, Buenos Aires In & out,  Le 19 Editions, Crac, Montbéliard, France,  2001    

Jorge Glusberg, 70-80-90,  National Museum of Fine Arts Editions, Buenos Aires, january 1996

Carlos Espartaco, La certeza de lo desconocido, Entrevista, Klemm Gallery Editions, Buenos Aires, august 1995

Philippe Cyroulnik, Amériques, huit artistes du Nouveau Monde,  Centre Lotois d’Art Contemporain, Editions Figeac, France, july 1992

Ed Shaw, Detrás de las casas de Reyna,  Museo de Arte Moderno de Buenos Aires Editions, november 1991

Philippe Cyroulnik, Jorge Glusberg,  L'atelier de Buenos Aires,  CREDAC Editions,  Ivry sur Seine, France, 1991                          

Bengt Oldenbourg, Martín Reyna,  Del Retiro Gallery Editions. Buenos Aires, march 1987



Philippe Cyroulnik, Acerca de los territorios del color, Página 12,  january 2018

Susana Sulic, Martín Reyna, Teodora Gallery, Artnexus,  Bogotá, Colombie,  june 2017

María Laura Avignolo, Martín Reyna: Los caprichos del agua, Interview, Clarín, suplemento Ñ, Buenos Aires, november 2015

Leticia Mello,  Martín Reyna,  El color como manifiesto de acción,  Arte al límite, Santiago de Chile, june 2015

Nathalie Kantt, Martín Reyna, un argentino en Paris, La Nación, Suplemento Adn Cultura,  Buenos Aires, 15 august 2014

Christine Frérot,  Martín Reyna, Artnexus, Bogotá,  november  2013

Celina Chatruc,  Martín Reyna, en el camino, La Nación, Suplemento Adn Cultura,  Buenos Aires, october  2012

Jorge López Anaya, Tres visiones contemporáneas, La Nación, Buenos Aires,  june 2005

Albino Dieguez Videla,  Entre las formas y la forma, La Prensa, Buenos Aires, november 2001

Aldo Galli, Puentes sensoriales,  La Nación,  Buenos Aires, december 2001

Albino Dieguez Videla, Variedades acertadas,  La Prensa, Buenos Aires, july 1997

Gache Belén,   Una ciudad sin firmar,  Página 12, Suplemento Radar, Buenos Aires,  august 1997

Laura Feinsilber, Conte y Reyna suman poesía a la plástica, Ambito Financiero, Buenos Aires, october 1995

María Margarita García, Martín en el reino acuático,  La Prensa, Bogotá, Colombia, october 1995

Juan Manuel Bonet,  Kaleidoscopio porteño, Cyan, Madrid, España, septiembre de 1990

Lelia Driben, Martín Reyna : libros, cuadros y grafismos para una exposición, Le Monde Diplomatique, Buenos Aires,  june-july  1989               

Bengt Oldenbourg, En busca del arte del tercer milenio, Revista Vuelta, México, january 1987

Demetria Daniels,  Southamerica in Downtown,  Downtown, Nueva York, USA, 23 july 1986

Reyna is the winner of the Chandon Prize, Buenos Aires, Argentina, the Jean-François Millet Prize of Paintings, Valognes, France, the Nuevo Mundo Foundation Prize, and the Gunther Prize of Paintings, among others.  He recently completed a Ballinglen Arts Foundation residency in Ballycastle, County Mayo, Ireland, and was awarded a Fellowship at the Fundación Antorchas, Buenos Aires. 2012     Chandon Prize. ARTEBA. Del Infinito Gallery. Buenos Aires. Argentina 2000     Grants of  Arts from Antorchas Foundation of Buenos Aires, Argentina 1997     Jean-François Millet Prize of Paintings. SIAP of Valognes. France Honorific Mention . Costantini Prize  MNBA Buenos Aires, Argentina 1991    Nuevo Mundo Foundation Prize. MNBA. Buenos Aires. Argentina 1989    Gunther Prize of Paintings. CAYC. Buenos Aires. Argentina