Home Artists Moritz Partenheimer


Moritz Partenheimer

Munich, Germany

1 Works exhibited on Kooness

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Works by Moritz Partenheimer

Westbeth, Emil Mare


Prints , Mixed Media

97 x 123cm


Moritz Partenheimer, born 1979 in Munich studied at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar visual communi cation and Photography, 2005, he was an exchange scholarship at the Pratt Institute, New York, where there was a project-based work with Duane Michals.

In his work identity and presence of the people express the design of the appropriated space and shaped landscape that appear in his photographs as artificial. This artificiality it increases by frequent use of motifs nocturnal places, illuminated by their own light sources. The often encountered a model of architecture leads to irritation in his work in terms of the reality of places and playing with the symbolization of media developments. Moritz Partenheimer images are excerpts of found situations – at the same time they are precise compositions of colors, surfaces, lines and structures in which pairs or group relationships of things play a role.

Moritz Partenheimer lives in Munich.