Home Artists Nadia Starikoff


Nadia Starikoff

20 Works exhibited on Kooness

Current location

São Paulo


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I am a Biology and Science teacher, Educational Psychologist, Art Therapist, and Visual Artist. I have been planning and teaching science and biology classes for 29 years. High School Pathways Teacher (Scientific Initiation, Research Project, Sustainability, Neuroscience, Life Project, Urbanism, Poetic Narratives). Worked for 12 years at Sidarta School, where I developed and monitored various projects in the field of Natural Sciences developed by the School of the Future (USP). Developed integrative projects at Lourenço Castanho School for 5 years, participating in and organizing ICLOC. Developed and implemented projects proposing investigative classes under the guidance of Ana Maria Pessoa de Carvalho, as well as projects with active methodologies, Maker activities, and STEAM projects. Developed projects for educator training in socio-emotional competencies: Why talk about grief at school? Currently specializing in Art Therapy at Instituto Sedes Sapientiae. Volunteer at Instituto Unidown. Art Therapist for 10 years at Espaço Arte CASULO.
EXPERIENCE - 2015 – Present: Escola Nossa Senhora do Morumbi, São Paulo — Science and Biology Teacher. - 2020 – 2022: Escola Granja Viana, Cotia — Biology Teacher. - 2013 – 2017: Escola Lourenço Castanho, São Paulo — Science Teacher. - 2013 – 2014: Escola Rio Branco, Cotia — Biology Teacher. - 2000 – 2012: Colégio Sidarta, Cotia — Science Teacher. EDUCATION - Bachelor’s and Full Licentiate Degree in Biological Sciences, F.C.E.E. - MACKENZIE UNIVERSITY, São Paulo - 1990 - 1994. - Post-Graduation in Institutional Educational Psychology, Lato Sensu, UNIFIEO, Osasco - 1998-1999. - Post-Graduation in Educational Psychology, Stricto Sensu, UNIFIEO, Osasco - 1999-2002. Works Developed During Educational Psychology Course - Dissertation: Educational Psychology: The possibility of making the subject the author of their thinking in the group process. - Study and intervention in a private institution (2000). - Case study “Learning difficulty” with supervision. BOOK PUBLICATIONS* - “Tudo é Tato” with Márcio Macarini, 2022. - “As cores do Luto” Poetry in words and images with Gizele Caparroz, 2023. - “Mulheres, Crônicas de A a Z” with Roze Cabral, 2023. PROJECTS - Implementation of the Natural Sciences Teaching Project in Elementary Education developed by the School of the Future – USP. - Implementation of the Teaching for Understanding Project, developed by the Sidarta team, based on the Zero project, developed by Howard Gardner’s team at Harvard. - Evaluation, review, and monitoring of science teaching projects in Early Childhood Education and Initial Cycle – Elementary. - Development of teaching materials used in the development of projects for the 6th, 7th, and 8th grades. - Formative and pathways projects in high school: neuroscience, sustainability, metabolism, research initiation, urbanism, poetic narratives, and microbiology. PARTICIPATION IN COURSES AND EVENTS - 2023 - FLIF - Participation with the book “As Cores do Luto”; Rio Branco School Book Fair “Women who made and make history.” - 2023: 23rd COLE - Reading Congress of Unicamp. - 2012: III International Congress on Chemical Dependency. - 2012: V Brazilian Congress of Educational Psychology. - 2012: I Latin American Congress of Educational Psychology. - 2011: IX Brazilian Congress of Educational Psychology, III Meeting with Sara Pain, III Comparative Education Seminar – Sidarta; Meeting with Paula Pogré; Teaching for Understanding Project – Sidarta; Lecture by Ives de la Taille, Moral Education – Sidarta. - 2006: Each Mind a World. Salvador – BA; Meeting with Rebeca Anijovich, from the Latitud group of the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina; 2006: Evaluation for Teaching Understanding. Salvador – BA. - 2007: Lecture with Raul Talca, Seeking Peace. Sidarta. - 2007: Harvard online course - USA, Teaching for Understanding. - 2010: Teacher training for the Biennial, Carlos Barmak. - 2010, 2011, and 2012: Science teaching training, Sangari Group. - 2012: Participation in SEMPRE - Seminars on classroom practice, Sidarta; Training with Anna Maria Pessoa de Carvalho for investigative procedures in laboratory classes; TED ED, Editacuja (Consultancy Lourenço Castanho School); IBOOK author (Consultancy Lourenço Castanho School); Pedagogical strategies in Botany teaching – US; University Extension Course Current Topics in Human Physiology and Health – USP; Small Business Administration – 1st edition – Distance Learning, Rio Branco Colleges. ICLOC – Congress on classroom practices. - 2013 - 2017: Presentation of work: The use of the Plague app (IPAD) in science class; Mediation of works on genetics content practices, High School. Individual and Collective Exhibitions - 2015 - Aurorar Exhibition – Espaço Oficinaz. - 2016 - Aurorar Intervention – exchanges – Espaço Oficinaz. - 2017 - Aurorar Exhibition – Pinacoteca de São José do Rio Preto. - 2017 - Aurorar Exhibition – Memorial Resende Barbosa - Assis. - 2018 – Aurorar Exhibition – Casarão Ubatuba. - 2018 - Contemporary Matryoshkas Exhibition – Conjunto Nacional. - 2018 – Aurorar Exhibition – Latin America Memorial. - 2018 – Contemporary Matryoshkas Exhibition - Cinematheque 5th Russian Film Show. - 2018 – Collective exhibition of new talents at Casagaleria and Loly Demercian Art Workshop. - 2019 – Casulo Exhibition – Casulo Atelier. - 2019 – Contemporary Matryoshkas and Gardens Exhibition – Casa Bossa FEAC. - 2019 – Contemporary Matryoshkas Exhibition - Mário de Andrade Library. - 2019 – Contemporary Matryoshkas Exhibition – Cine Olido in the 6th Russian Film Show. - 2019 – Entrenos Exhibition – Casulo Atelier. - 2019 - New talents show – Casagaleria and Loly Demercian Art Workshop. - 2020 - “Afetos em Paisagens” Exhibition - Casagaleria and Loly Demercian Art Workshop. - 2021 - “Jardins Imaginários” Exhibition - Casagaleria and Loly Demercian Art Workshop. - 2021 - “Flor e Ser” Exhibition - Ganzaral Cultural Space. - 2022 - “Contemporary Matryoshkas” Exhibition – Brazilian Cinematheque in the 8th Russian Film Show. - 2023 - “Contemporary Matryoshkas” Exhibition – Cinematheque in the 9th Russian Film Show.