Home Artists Paco Fernádez


Paco Fernádez


1 Works exhibited on Kooness

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Works by Paco Fernádez



Drawings , Acrylic

117 x 141cm


His last solo exhibitions have been in the gallery, Guillermina Caicoya de Oviedo, Espacio Marzana de Bilbao and gallery m.Bochum de Bochum (Germany). In addition to participating in various and numerous group exhibitions, including Entre arte (Cajastur Cultural Center, Revillagigedo Palace. Gijón), Susret - Begegnung, School of Interior Design, New York, Asturian painters born in the 40s and 50s. Museum Barjola. Gijón, One Hundred Years of Patronage Cajastur Collection, Cajastur Cultural Center, Oviedo. He has participated in fairs such as: Art Basel (Basila. Switzerland), ARCO (Madrid. Spain), Art Chicago (Chicago. USA) and has received several awards and mentions in various competitions, among which we can highlight the Joan Miró Prize for Drawing and the Luarca National Art Contest.

His last solo exhibitions have been in the gallery, Guillermina Caicoya de Oviedo, Espacio Marzana de Bilbao and gallery m.Bochum de Bochum (Germany). In addition to participating in various and numerous group exhibitions, including Entre arte (Cajastur Cultural Center, Revillagigedo Palace. Gijón), Susret - Begegnung, School of Interior Design, New York, Asturian painters born in the 40s and 50s. Museum Barjola. Gijón, One Hundred Years of Patronage Cajastur Collection, Cajastur Cultural Center, Oviedo. He has participated in fairs such as: Art Basel (Basila. Switzerland), ARCO (Madrid. Spain), Art Chicago (Chicago. USA) and has received several awards and mentions in various competitions, among which we can highlight the Joan Miró Prize for Drawing and the Luarca National Art Contest.