Home Artists Pavel Pepperstein


Pavel Pepperstein

Moscow, Russian Federation

2 Works exhibited on Kooness

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Works by Pavel Pepperstein

Summer in Prague


Drawings , Watercolors

20 x 29cm


Baroque Gardens


Drawings , Watercolors

20 x 58cm


Pavel Pepperstein (b. 1966 in Moscow) is one of the most striking artists in contemporary Russian art. As early as in the late 1980s. when contemporary art in Russia first appeared and spread like an avalanche in the wake of perestroika, the “Inspection Medical Hermeneutics” group founded by Pepperstein (with Yuri Leiderman and Sergey Anufriev) proved to be a phenomenon of a fundamentally new stage of development in “Moscow Romantic Conceptualism”. Today, when much that comprised and pulsated through the living fabric of modern art in the late 20th century has ceased to exist, the impulse behind “Medical Hermeneutics” has sufficed for Pavel Pepperstein’s “psychedelic realsim” to continue its progressive development. Each of Pepperstein’s new projects, be it his graphics, installations or paintings, inherits the principles of a new poetic synthesis between the visual and verbal he devised more than a quarter-century ago. Works of Pavel Pepperstein can be found in the Tretyakov State gallery in Moscow, Russian State Museum in St Petersburg, the Centre George Pompidou in Paris, Albertina Museum in Vienna. In 2017 works of Pepperstein were displayed at the show Kollektsia! at the Centre Georges Pompidou.