Home Artists Pino Procopio


Pino Procopio

Guardavalle, Italy

0 Works exhibited on Kooness

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Works by Pino Procopio

Pino Procopio was born in Guardavalle (CZ) in 1954. He obtained his artistic maturity and a degree in Architecture in Rome.

His first exhibition was inaugurated in Rome in 1980. He followed a thriving artistic career full of production and exhibitions in the major Italian cities.

Eclectic, versatile and heterogeneous artist, in his art he transposes his penetrating existential experience, ranging from painting to sculpture and investing the history of the full responsibility of telling the human soul, beyond the facts and with great humor, comedy, sense critical, detachment, derision and with that hint of mockery that if well dosed, never displeases.

For this artist, reality is a sarcastic, ironic, provocative, playful, disengaged and pungent expression: from which he feels the need to draw, in a constant way, to live life without preclusions and stripped of preconceptions, that is every taboo, in short, with solemn and proud intellectual levity.