Home Artists Sandro Livio Straube


Sandro Livio Straube

Zurich, Switzerland

2 Works exhibited on Kooness

Current location

Vella, Grisons

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Works by Sandro Livio Straube



, Digital Print

100 x 125cm




126 x 103cm


Born 1992 in Zurich, is an architect and photographer. The image as a medium accom-
panied him constantly during his studies at the ETH Zurich and led to various pho-
tographic and artistic projects along the way. Over a period of more than four

years he photographed in the Val Lumnezia on the series "Mountains bleach". The
limitation to an analog medium format camera and a fixed focal length, as well as
the strict geographical perimeter, led to a sought-after narrowness and thus to a
more intense perception. The photographs show what would otherwise soon disappear.

As a silent observer, he dares to look reality in the eye for a fraction of a sec-
ond - the moment of taking the picture. Only when later viewing the respective fin-
ished picture is he forced anew to face these realities permanently. It often leads

to a shock about his sensitivity to his own pictures and how they came about in the
first place. The wanderings through his beloved valley follow the inner drive to
muster the courage to really look.
His paintings capture fleeting beauty in the imperfect and the good in the bleak.
He lives and works in Vella, Grisons.


2020 Berge bleichen, solo exhibition, Gallery 94, Baden CH


2020 Photo Basel with Berge bleichen , Basel CH

2020 Photo Basel with Floating Memories, Basel CH

2020 Photo LA with Berge bleichen, Los Angeles ,USA

2020 Photo Basel/ Berlin with Berge bleichen, Berlin 

2020 Photo Basel, Virtual Edition 2.0

2021 Rotterdam Photo Festival 2021 with Berge bleichen

2021 "WATER", Gallery 94, Baden, 21 May to 3 July 2021

2021 il luf el visier digl art | the wolf in the sights of art ,Casa d'Angel, Lumbrein, 3 July, 2021 - 19 March, 2022

2021 Photo Basel, Basel CH

2022 Mountains. Double exhibition with Zak van Biljon, Gallery 94, Baden, 17 March 2022 - 30 April 2022

2022 Photo Basel, Basel CH

2022 OVRAS, Casa d'Angel, Lumbrein


2020 Culture Tip, Berge bleichen, May issue, print & online

2020 Art Bulletin, Mountains Bleach, Issue 6, print & online

2020 Float Photo Magazine, Berge bleichen, online

2020 BROAD, Mountains Bleaching, online

2020 ZOOM Magazine, ISSUE 259, Berge bleichen, print

2020 The Guardian, Foto Basel/ Berlin, online

2020 Fotointern.ch, Foto Basel/ Berlin, online

2020 Dodho, Mountains bleaching, online

2020 C41 Magazine, Mountains bleaching, online

2020 PHROOM Magazine, Berge bleichen, online

2021 urbainable urban, Zementfabrik Brunnen, print

2021 PANORAMA, Berge bleichen, online

2021 NZZ am Sonntag, Stamped from the ground - Clay as an ecological building material, online & print

2021 Fujfilm CH, Bleaching mountains, interview, online

2021 Archithese Swiss Performance, 1.2021, p. 60-65, Joining forces, print

2021 Sonntagszeitung, Strong appearance for an office building, online & print

2022 Divisare, Boltshauser Architekten - Kiln Tower for the brickworks museum, online

2022 Casabella, Boltshauser Architekten - Kiln Tower for the brickworks museum, print

2020 2nd prize at the Portfolio Reviews, Helsinki Photo Festival 2020

2020 Selected for the main programme at Rotterdam Photo Festival 2021

2021 Winner of a Merit Scholarship, Charcoal Bookclub, Chico Reviews