Home Artists Sofia Cristina Jiménez


Sofía Cristina Jiménez

Madrid, Spain

4 Works exhibited on Kooness

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Works by Sofia Cristina Jiménez

Tricky Rubick


Paintings , Acrylic

110 x 110cm

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Paradusas II


Paintings , Acrylic

120 x 100cm

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Paradusas I


Paintings , Acrylic

40 x 40cm

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El Flamenco

Paintings , Acrylic

114 x 60cm

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Sofía Cristina Jiménez (1984) is a visual artist from Madrid and the creator of El Espacio Permanente. After working for more than thirteen years as Head of Leathergoods and Accessories for international luxury companies such as Loewe and Delpozo, she has focused on developing her creative studio since 2019. Although she looked for it, she did not find another path that could calm her spirit, and it is in the most turbulent moments that her vocation comes back to heal her.