Home Artists Susanne Ramolla


Susanne Ramolla

Cottbus, Germany

3 Works exhibited on Kooness

Current location

Potsdam, Germany

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Works by Susanne Ramolla




30 x 40cm


Ramoon #2



34.5 x 34.5cm


Ramoon #1



34.5 x 34.5cm


German Artist


1989 - 92 Study of color and surface design, University of Applied Sciences Potsdam I Germany 

1992 - 93 Free painting, Academy for Art and Industry AKI, Enschede I NL

2000 - 01 Studies Multimedia Design, Academy for Digital Media, CIMdata Berlin I Germany

Group exhibitions I Selection

2020 Gallery Springboard Potsdam - Participation MOZ Brandenburg Art Award, Schloss Neuhardenberg

2019 RealityCHECK, Kunstraum Potsdam - Chabot Museum Rotterdam - Armando Privat Collection - Galerie BVBK, Potsdam

2018 Kunstraum Potsdam, annual gifts - Gallery BVBK, Potsdam 

2017 ART Brandenburg, Potsdam 

2016 Gallery Sperl, Potsdam - GILKA Parkours, Tankhalle, Wiepersdorf/D

2015 ART Brandenburg, Potsdam

2013 Kunstraum, Made in Potsdam - Participation MOZ Brandenburg Art Award, Schloss Neuhardenberg

2010 Homeland Festival, Potsdam

2007 Art Panorama, Heimatflimmern, Lucerne/Switzerland - Cabildo Correspondence, Montevideo/Uruguay

2006 Brandenburg Art Prize, Neuhardenberg Castle/D

2005 Torhaus Wellingbüttel, Hamburg - Ministry of Culture Potsdam - Gallery Sperl, Potsdam - ART Brandenburg Art Fair, Potsdam  

2004 Gerhardt - Hauptmann Museum, Berlin

2003 Cabinet of the Municipal Museum of Young Art, Forgotten Values, Frankfurt/O / D

2002 Angela Novus, Peruggia/I - Gallery in the Waschhaus, Potsdam

2001 Ticket Gallery, Prussia, Potsdam - Municipal Gallery Fürstenwalde, Position III - 4 Women from Germany

2000 Artists' Forum Bonn / D

Solo exhibitions

2019 Friedrich Naumann Foundation Potsdam 

2017 Kunstraum Potsdam (with Alex Lebus / Berlin)

2013 TAZ Container / Potsdam

2009 Gallery KJPD Thurgau, Weinenden / Switzerland - Gallery Domaine Savary de Beauregard / F

2008 Art Association Celle e.V. /D

2005 Intergalerie Potsdam / D

2003 Zeisler Gallery, Berlin - Gallery in the Trade Union House / Potsdam

1999 Kunsthaus Erfurt - Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Wandgräben Castle / D

                   Gallery in the Waschhaus with Frank Gaudlitz, Potsdam


2018 Studio scholarship of the Ministry of Culture Potsdam

2016 Residency scholarship of the Stiftung Kulturfonds / Wiepersdorf Castle

2007 Award of the Batuz-Foundation, travel and exhibition in the Cabildo de Montevideo, Uruguay

2005 Residency scholarship of the VCCA, Virginia / USA

2004 Residency scholarship of the Stiftung Kulturfonds / Wiepersdorf Castle

1997 Residency scholarship of the Ostdeutsche Sparkassenstiftung Burg Beeskow / Brandenburg

1996 Working scholarship of the Ministry of Culture Potsdam


2019 Susanne Ramolla - Publisher Edition Kunstraum Potsdam

2017 Susanne Ramolla - Couples & Passers-by / Publisher Edition Kunstraum Potsdam

1999 Susanne Ramolla - Painting / Publisher Ostdeutsche Sparkassenstiftung, Michel Sandstein Verlag, Dresden

Teaching activity

since 2011 Painting & Graphics Honorary Lecturer Art School Potsdam

Works in public and private collections