Home Artists Yumi Watanabe


Yumi Watanabe

Kagoshima, Japan

1 Works exhibited on Kooness

Current location

Düsseldorf, Germany & Vienna, Austria

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Works by Yumi Watanabe

Afterimage of Love


10 x 10cm


Artist Statement 

Our memory remains inside of us without any sense of time, while the nature proceed with complete sense of time. I use my work to explore this void between something natural and something unnatural, something visible and something invisible, and something living and something dying in order to find emergence of our timeless memory and constantly changing nature.

Solo Exhibition

2019 “If the World has Changed Enough” Vienna Art Week 2019  12-14 Contemporary (Vienna, Austria)  Coming soon

2019 “al amor contra una esquina“ DESLAVE – (Tijuana, Mexico)

2018 “I° see you “Schleifmühlgasse 12-14 (Vienna, Austria)

2017 “Afterimage of LOVE” Schleifmühlgasse 12-14 (Vienna,Austria)

2014 “My Distance to You” CHC (San Diego, USA)

2012 “ANALOG IM DIALOG” DRK (Düsseldorf, Germany)

2006 “No Life“ Gallery Kuu(Tokyo, Japan)

2005 “Yumi Watanabe-Solo Exhibition” Gallery Q(Tokyo, Japan)

2003 “ABUKU” Gallery Conceal (Tokyo, Japan)


Group Exhibition / Art Fair

2019 “P/CAS“ (Paris, France) Coming soon

2019 “Widerschein” 9k-galerie  (Willich, Germany) Coming soon


2018 “Fotofever“ (Paris)

2018 “Photo Independent“ ( Los Angeles, CA)

2018″Wander Map2018″(Kagoshima,Japan)

2017 “Static Scope” Akibatamabi 21/Art Chiyoda 3331 (Tokyo, Japan)

2017 “Swab Art fair“ (Barcelona, Spain)

2014 “Ausstellung 11 Japanische Künstler” Landtags Nordrhein-Westfalen (Düsseldorf, Germany)

2013 “Teotitlan Medicine Tree” Taller 8, (Oaxaca, Mexico)

2013 “Connecting Traces of Memory,”  Dortmund Depot,  (Dortmund, Germany)

2010 “Wander Map ” (Kagoshima, Japan)

2009 “Show” Kagoshima Municpal Museum (Kagoshima, Japan)

2008 “Nach Mittag ” (Düsseldorf, Germany)

2007 “Bath theater“ Naoshima Island (Kagawa, Japan)

2006 “39 Art” Maru Gallery (Tokyo, Japan)

2004 “Departure for Meeting Almanac#3”-Art & Gallery (Tokyo, Japan)

2003 “Nothing Exhibition” Gallery Conceal (Tokyo, Japan)

2003 10th Energy Exhibition – Oriental Gateway (Tokyo, Japan)

2003 Shibuya Art Kubiert (Tokyo, Japan)

2003 “One Box” CINEMA Cafe Gallery (Tokyo, Japan)



2003 Jury Special Mention 10th Energy-Art Prize  (Tokyo, Japan)


Professional Formation

2007 –2016 Art Department at Düsseldorf Japanese International school

2005-2007 Photography Department at Tama University of Art Media Center

2001-2005 Tama University of Art

2017, AFTERIMAGE OF LOVE, Yumi Watanabe, curated by Oscar Sanchez

2003 Jury Special Mention 10th Energy-Art Prize, Tokyo, Japan