Home Artworks Iris flottants

Iris flottants Discover the best available selection of paintings by the artist Annie Chanu. Buy from art galleries around the world with Kooness! Kooness
500 EUR
4.2 5 20


Iris flottants




40 x 30 x 2 cm
16 x 11.81 x 0.79 in








, United States

Drawing, abstract or figurative painting, recovery of furniture to transform it into a work of art, Annie Chanu has invented a universe with contours. Originally from Normandy, she has had this artistic fibre since childhood which led her to live in Paris. It was there that she had her first painting lessons, her first artistic relationships, her first experiences as an as an artist. Annie Chanu is a woman of the world who has travelled a lot, living today between Paris and the inspiring countryside of the Eure. Open-minded, dynamic and passionate, the world of art has always attracted her. Dance, theatre, music and of course painting are an integral part of her life. She has often lacked the time to indulge her

Today she can finally express herself freely according to her desires. The
painting is above all for her a privileged moment of serenity, quietude and
and escape where time stops. It is essential to her balance, so to speak therapeutic. She draws her inspiration directly from the nature that
surrounding her. She is in love with colour, all colours, and could not imagine a world in black and white! Her paintings are often very colourful, rich and textured. After pastel and oil paint used in the figurative style, she now works mainly with acrylic paint in a contemporary style.
A new stage in her life begins in 2020, just before the pandemic, in her return to her roots in Normandy. Leaving Paris to find herself with nature, finding a quiet and peaceful life. It is with the free time and environment that the artist was able to really start painting again. For her, painting is a question of inspiration but also of mood. In this In this renewal, it is finally the abstract that will emerge, a mixture between pouring and painting techniques that belong to her and define her own style. Her resolutely modern canvases with vibrant colours reflect her personality.

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40 x 50 x 2cm

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The gallery concept is to support young artists offering a complete support with their personal communication and visibility....

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