Home Artworks Pink Lush



Pink Lush



100 x 100 cm
39 x 39.37 in







Acrylic, epoxy resin, phosphorescence on wood

, Netherlands

At the age of 30, Dutch autodidact artist Danny Giesbers rediscovered his passion for art in 2016, more than a decade after he briefly flirted with painting as a teenager. Starting off heavily influenced by Gerhard Richter’s squeegee technique and style, he soon felt the urge to develop his own style, technique and process. Giesbers used 2019 and the beginning of 2020 to experiment and develop his first concepts. Starting his production in mid-2020, Giesbers was certainly not helped by Covid-19, as the virus pulled the rug out from under the offline artworld. On the other hand, it also gave him more time and mental space to produce. 

Giesbers is academically trained in Business Administration (MSc) and International Business and Languages (BCom). During the latter study, he spent a semester in Vienna and studied in Cracow.

What drives his art? Giesbers is intrigued by complexity and ever-moving change. That change may be in personality and personal longings, perspectives on society, society’s holism, significant future events and the numerous variables at play, or the interrelationships in an ecosystem. Giesbers' art feeds on these changes, making his work all about transformation, harmony, dissonance, dimensions and contemplation of past and present themes. Emotions also drive his art, as he uses it as a gateway to express feelings and evoke one of his favourite emotions, serenity.

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IdeelArt is a curated online only art gallery dedicated to contemporary abstract art, offering a representative selection of qualitative works from international established abstract artists....

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Composition No.338


23 x 89 cm

950,00 €