Liz Discover the best available selection of paintings by the artist ENRIQUE GONZÁLEZ. Buy from art galleries around the world with Kooness! Kooness
4900 EUR
4.2 5 20


Single piece Signed



126 x 97 x 6 cm
50 x 38.19 x 2.36 in







Liz, 2021. Óleo, pan de oro sobre tabla El arte clásico ha explorado de múltiples maneras la compleja relación entre la mirada y el deseo, entre la observación y la percepción del observado. Una de las representaciones más fascinantes y cargadas de significado es la imagen de personajes que miran a través de un agujero, una ventana o una abertura, estableciendo un juego de miradas que oscila entre el voyeurismo y la intimidad. En estas obras, la mirada a través de un agujero no es solo una acción física, sino un símbolo de curiosidad, deseo y, en ocasiones, de transgresión. Los personajes que espían desde la oscuridad son observadores secretos, que se sumergen en la contemplación de escenas privadas, sin ser detectados. Este acto de mirar sin ser visto confiere al espectador un poder silencioso, una sensación de dominio sobre lo observado, que a menudo refleja las complejidades del deseo humano.

, Spain

Classical art has explored in many ways the complex relationship between the gaze and desire, between observation and the perception of the observed. One of the most fascinating and meaningful representations is the image of characters looking through a hole, a window or an opening, establishing a game of glances that oscillates between voyeurism and intimacy. In these works, the gaze through a hole is not just a physical action, but a symbol of curiosity, desire, and sometimes transgression. The characters who spy from the darkness are secret observers, immersed in the contemplation of private scenes, undetected. This act of looking without being seen confers on the viewer a silent power, a sense of mastery over the observed, often reflecting the complexities of human desire.

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EST_ART Space is a multidisciplinary space dedicated to Contemporary Art and Culture at its finest. We are located in a 5,500 m2 industrial warehouse in Alcobendas, which allows us to have a dynamic, different and quality programme of activities, events and shows to bring Contemporary Art to a wide variety of audiences. If there is one thing that characteris...

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