Home Artworks L'ombre du Soleil

L'ombre du Soleil Discover the best available selection of paintings by the artist Jonathan Vandromme. Buy from art galleries around the world with Kooness! Kooness
18000 EUR
4.2 5 20


L'ombre du Soleil




200 x 290 x 3 cm
79 x 114.17 x 1.18 in







Oil painting on canvas Black American box frame One-off (1/1) Delivered with certificate of authenticity

BIBLIOGRAPHY 2023 • Collective exhibition / Galerie Trifolium Lille / “Les Énergies Invisibles” / Château de la Fontaine Croix / Sale for the benefit of Jane Goodall Institute France • Collective Exhibition / The Grolandaise Embassy by Cou2Com Lens • Solid'Art Lille / sale for the benefit of Secours Populaire • Expo A. R. T Lions club Alliance Roubaix Tourcoing / Exhibition / Sale for the benefit of the Roncq guide dog center • Collective exhibition / Black Box Gallery Mouvaux • Collective exhibition / Galerie des Lyons Paris • Paris Design Week 2023 with Galerie des Lyons Paris • Lille Art-Up! represented by the Nicole Gogat gallery 2022 • Une nuit à l'Opéra / Exposition / Vente aux enchères au profit du Secours populaire pour soutenir la campagne des Pères Noël verts. • TemplOeuvres d'Art / Exposition • LAUSANNE ART FAIR 2022 / Exposition / représenté par la Galerie Charles Diehl - Declic Art • Monaco Art3f 2022 / Exposition / Représenté par Galerie Charles Diehl - Declic Art • Galerie Charles Diehl - Declic Art / Galerie • Lille Art Up ! 2022 / Exposition / Représenté par la Galerie Nicole Gogat • Galerie Nicole Gogat / Galerie 2014 • ART NOCTURNE KNOKKE 2014 / Exposition / Représenté par la Galerie L'Envol de l'Art 2012 • Galerie L'Envol de l'Art / Galerie

1983 LILLE, France

Jonathan Vandromme was born in 1983 in the North of France. Self-taught, he began drawing at a young age and became interested in brushes and oil painting in 2007. After practicing pastel drawing, graffiti (Street Art) or traditional frescoes, he began to explore new horizons at the age of 20 which would be the foundation of his future masterpieces. The Artist draws his initial inspiration from intimate experiences, sometimes even from religious ideas from different horizons, from family photos but also from memories or even social experiences which he very often transcribes on his canvases through his own interpretation. great quotes from well-known authors. His Art is nourished and nourished by a myriad of societal sources, thus making his work profound and timeless. This unique combination of sources of inspiration reveals both the set of contrasts arising from human conditions in its absolute, but also the richness of the Artist's work both in its emotional dimension and its sensitivity as well as in its level of creative and technical spontaneity. We are therefore not talking about an interpretation of an artistic movement or even a “re” interpretation of one of them… It is truly a genius which is unique to Jonathan and which he has been able to take advantage of to create his own movements and currents, overcoming the weight and responsibilities which accompany the talent and perfectionism of which he holds the secret of the end of his fingers. Jonathan Vandomme is a hurricane which does not respond to any climatic logic, his strength and his tenderness come from the depths of his being, from his soul and, even if he seems to ignore it, from his unconscious. He is one of those who define the present and the future without altering the past and the entire heritage of a discipline, that of artistic painting.

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Founded in 1986, the Galerie des Lyons is a family business, originally an art gallery, it has since diversified with the new generation represented by Benjamin des Lyons and Laure Mutti des Lyons. The gallery's works with local artists and craftsmen that transmit their art and know-how from generation to generation. The selected artists and craftsmen give a...

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