Home Artworks El selfie

El selfie Discover the best available selection of paintings by the artist Jose Ramon Campomanes. Buy from art galleries around the world with Kooness! Kooness
450 EUR
4.2 5 20


El selfie


Single piece Signed Titled



40 x 60 x 2 cm
16 x 23.62 x 0.79 in







Oil on canvas

1958 León, Spain

Born and raised in León, a city in northern Spain, he always felt a special vocation for painting and art in general.  The figures and creatures that inhabit José Ramón's canvases make direct reference to his inner thoughts about himself, his unexpressed desires and his deep imagination. José Ramón , mainly represents the tension between social interaction and isolation. He presents intimate moments and thoughts veiled from the viewer's gaze. His paintings evoke feelings of being an outsider, and the characters he brings to life move between abstraction and more surrealistic representations. José Ramón is an artist based in Spain. His work focuses on philosophical and empirical questions that arise from the human experience, both individual and collective. His main focus on it is the human condition and the inner world one experiences amidst society's expectations. He is interested in the present and the past, his paintings explore different views of existence. Experimentation with color is important in his creative process, as well as the partial deconstruction of forms that allows him to find a balance between figuration and abstraction.  "The unfinished is what most resembles life because of its state of transit and infinity which is the goal of the unfinished".

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