Home Artworks Armonia celeste

Armonia celeste Discover the best available selection of paintings by the artist Letizia Ardillo. Buy from art galleries around the world with Kooness! Kooness
2500 EUR
4.2 5 20

Armonia celeste


Single piece Signed Titled Framed



96 x 65 x 5 cm
38 x 25.59 x 1.97 in







Collage silver leaf  on Japanese paper with mat black frame, wood handmade painted and plexiglass.

Her paintings, realized with mixed techniques, represent ancestral abstract forms. Her artistic production in addition to paintings includes the creation of artist's books, digital imaging and video art.

1961 Rieti, Italy

For many years she has undertaken a path of study that led her to develop an essential symbolic language in her works. Her paintings, realized with mixed techniques, represent ancestral abstract forms. Her artistic production in addition to paintings includes the creation of artist's books, digital imaging and video art. “Whoever uses art as a form of expression has the privilege to enter a system that puts man in touch with the whole universe”. “In the universe there is the law of connection, not only everything appears in everything but everything acts on everything. In the emptiness of the pages of the books I make, the apparently random forms are reunited and magically take on a meaning. In this way the book reborns to a new life and it is transformed into a work that tells a story”.

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The Tivarnella Art is a contemporary art gallery, and its main interest is in promoting living Italian artists. Enea Chersicola has been working as an art dealer since 2012, and after gathering experience in the field, he decidede to establish his gallery in Trieste (Italy), in 2018. Tivarnella Art participates in various art fair all around Europe, organ...

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56 x 76 cm

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