Home Artworks Angela's Baby

Angela's Baby Discover the best available selection of prints by the artist Rudolf Carl Gorman. Buy from art galleries around the world with Kooness! Kooness
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Angela's Baby


Signed Framed

Artwork offered by

Leviton Fine Art, Cathedral City, CA



85.09 x 69.85 cm
34 x 27.50 in







R.C. Gorman (1931 – 2005, Native American) “Angela’s Baby” (1992) Original silkscreen in colors on paper measuring 18 x 24.5 inches.  Hand signed by the artist in the lower left and numbered 6/200 in the lower right.  The work of art is stunningly displayed in a 3-inch-deep acrylic frame measuring 27.5 x 33.5 inches, and the sheet with its jagged edges appears as if floating atop the color-coordinated background mat.

Rudolph Carl Gorman, Navajo artist, rose to prominence in the early 1970s.  His simple, yet elegant, drawings of women, as well as his flamboyant personality and flair for self-promotion, gained him national attention and a popular following.  His works include oil pastel drawings, original lithographs, oil and acrylic paintings, intaglio, serigraphy, ceramics, bronze sculpture and paper casting.  Gorman has been referred to as “The Picasso of American Indian Art.”

1931 , United States

Rudolph Carl Gorman, Navajo artist, rose to prominence in the early 1970s.  His simple, yet elegant, drawings of women, as well as his flamboyant personality and flair for self-promotion, gained him national attention and a popular following.  His works include oil pastel drawings, original lithographs, oil and acrylic paintings, intaglio, serigraphy, ceramics, bronze sculpture and paper casting.  Gorman has been referred to as “The Picasso of American Indian Art.”

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Cathedral City, CA,

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