Home Artistas Axel Antas


Axel Antas


1 Obras expuestas en Kooness

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Obras de Axel Antas

Pathetic Fallacy


160 x 160cm


b. 1976, Helsinki, Finlandia. Educación: 2013 – 2016 / Villa Snäcksund Residency Program, Pro Artibus, Ekenäs, Finlandia 2007 / Centre d´Art i Natura, Farerra, Cataluña, España 1997 – 2000 / BA Fine Art ( Hons ), Goldsmiths College, Londres 1995 – 1997 / The Nordic School of Art, Kokkola, Finlandia

Exposiciones individuales 2017 / Galleria Heino, Helsinki, Finlandia 2016 /Ti-La, Jyväskylä, Finlandia 2016 / Showroom Berliini, Berlín, Alemania 2016 / Long Player, Format, Malmö, Suecia 2015 / Long Player, Sinne, Helsinki, Finlandia 2014 / Natural High Frequency, Galleria Heino, Finlandia 2011 / New to nature, Rokeby gallery, Londres Reino Unido 2010 / Geometry of Place /Obstucted Views, Hippolyte Galleria, Helsinki, Finlandia 2008 / Structures for the Unseen, Spacex, Exeter, Reino Unido 2008 / Axel Antas, Heino Gallery, Helsinki, Finlandia 2008 / Axel Antas, Rokeby gallery, Londres Reino Unido 2007 / Invention of solitude, HIAP project room, Helsinki, Finlandia 2006 / Nature of things, Rokeby Gallery, Londres Reino Unido 2005 / Interventions, Galleria Heino, Helsinki, Finlandia 2004 / Drawings, photographs and video, Galleria Heino, Helsinki, Finlandia 2003 / vast, Senko Studio, Dinamarca 2001 /Breathing Himself Invisible, e1 Gallery, Londres 2001/Silent Conversations, Kuvatakatemian Galleria, Hinki 2000 /Economist, Londres 2000 /Acrobat, The Kari, Keneria Spacei, Finlandia 1998 /Transientzinki Studio, Finlandia, Helsinki Studio, Finlandia