Home Obras de Arte 049 Sigma

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21 x 15 cm
8 x 5.91 in




Pinturas , Escultura



1952 Pieve Caina, Umbria, Italy

Alfonso Fratteggiani Bianchi (Pieve Caina, June 4, 1952) is an Italian artist.

Born and raised in Umbria, he began his artistic career in the 1990s and was discovered by the well-known collector Giuseppe Panza, who bought some of his paintings and valued his work. Known for his monochromes, Fratteggiani Bianchi focuses on color that, in the form of powdered pigment, is applied by hand, without the use of adhesives, on pietra serena. This particular innovation creates a particularly intense luministic and chromatic effect. Exhibitions in which the artist has participated include one at Artothek in Cologne in 2005 and a group show at the Albright-Knox Art Gallery in Buffalo in 2007-08

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Ennik Fine Art es un concesionario internacional con sede en Zúrich, Suiza, con una historia y experiencia combinadas de 50 años. Nos centramos en el arte moderno clásico, las obras de la posguerra y finales del siglo XX, así como en obras seleccionadas de importantes artistas contemporáneos estadounidenses y europeos....

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