Home Obras de Arte Italic Still Life

Italic Still Life Descubre la mejor selección disponible de pinturas de la artista Andrea Vandoni. ¡Compra en galerías de arte de todo el mundo con Kooness! Kooness
800 EUR
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Italic Still Life


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50 x 40 x 3 cm
20 x 15.75 x 1.18 in







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Andrea Vandoni

Born in 1972, Novara, Italy.

Lives & works in Novara, Italy.

Since his childhood Andrea Vandoni has a passion for drawing, visiting the best museums, art galleries and art cities in Italy: this is how his love for art and history is born and grows. The artist studied and trained at the School of the Archaeologists and the School of Nude of the Brera Academy of Fine Arts. His research and artistic inspiration is all focused on a relative and subjective realism that sometimes becomes completely imaginary.

The works of Andrea Vandoni impress and amaze for their realism and attention to detail. Subjects of his paintings are intriguing female figures and objects, mainly rounded coffee pots. It is a dichotomy between the realism of its women and the symbolism of the coffee makers, which, like the first, are able to offer intense aromas and flavors. Andrea Vandoni has exhibited in important galleries all over the world, in museums and has received several awards for his work. He was awarded first prize at the III International Painting Competition Piero della Francesca of Arezzo in 2008 and the second prize at the International Art Competition of Beverly Hills (USA) in 2009.

1972 Novara, Italy

Las obras de Andrea Vandoni impresionan y sorprenden por su realismo y atención al detalle. Los temas de sus pinturas son intrigantes figuras y objetos femeninos, principalmente cafeteras redondeadas. Es una dicotomía entre el realismo de sus mujeres y el simbolismo de las cafeteras, que, como las primeras, son capaces de ofrecer aromas y sabores intensos.

Andrea Vandoni ha expuesto en importantes galerías de todo el mundo, en museos y ha recibido varios premios por su trabajo. Fue galardonado con el primer premio en el III Concurso Internacional de Pintura Piero della Francesca de Arezzo en 2008 y el segundo premio en el Concurso Internacional de Arte de Beverly Hills (EE.UU.) en 2009.

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