Marina Descubre la mejor selección disponible de pinturas del artista Avel Muñoz. ¡Compra en galerías de arte de todo el mundo con Kooness! Kooness
1000 EUR
4.2 5 20



Pieza Única Firmada Fechada Título Enmarcada



38 x 46 x 2 cm
15 x 18.11 x 0.79 in







Las medidas de la obra con marco: H59 x W67 x D5.

Art Critiques :


Author: Vicente J. Amiguet

Avel, an Aragonese from Morata de Jalón, Zaragoza, moved to Barcelona at a very young age where he studied at the Escola Massana, Cercle Sant Lluch and the workshop-school of the watercolorist Baixas, and later settled in Tarragona.

He has exhibited his work in various rooms. In the Maite Muñoz gallery in Barcelona he successfully presented his work this year and has already arranged a new show for next season.

His oil paintings are a display of bright Mediterranean light and a "Sorollista" chromatic richness, always attractive due to its vitality and freshness in a balanced composition.

A painter of thematic diversity, he offers us a wide selection of his recent work in which the seascapes have a singular role -boats, fishermen and arrangement of nets- in a practical and vibrant discourse in the mixture of colors. Warm, personal work.

Also his flower paintings, especially the roses, draw attention for their sincerity and beauty of their expressiveness, in a loose and determined brushstroke, carried out with mastery and ease.


Author: Roberto Rallo

Creator of lights and colors, the Aragonese painter Avel, brings us a sample of his work that will undoubtedly please all art lovers.

From the inside, but Avel, who lives in Tarragona, catches with his palette the "Sorollesque" figure of the Mare Nostrum. His work, with a fine and confident line, captures the Mediterranean and its people, stealing it from its surroundings that, for the love of art, he transfers to the fabrics, which impregnates quality. His expressionist paintings attract the eye that is lost in the distance of lights and shadows, which give his paintings depths and transparencies of great chromatic load.

And if so far we have talked about the Mediterranean, the bouquets of flowers also deserve a very important section, which coming out of the framed paintings, are a series of highly accomplished works, bordering on perfection.

Avel manages to trap the viewer in his work, in the fine spider web of art. A careful art that pleases the eyes and the spirit. An art, we would say, easy and difficult, easy to understand and love; difficult to execute for its perfection. A singular painter, Avel, who is endorsed by the work that, in this exhibition, takes us, and that lovers of things well done we applaud.

1941 Morata de Jalón (Zaragoza), Spain

En 1958 estudia en la Escuela de Arte Massana.
De 1960 a 1965 estudió en la Academia Baixas.
En 1966 se incorpora al círculo artístico de Sant Lluc hasta 1978 cuando se traslada a Tarragona.

Tiene varias de sus obras en colecciones privadas en Francia, Inglaterra, Holanda, Alemania y Panamá.

La regla de Avel es no participar en concursos de pintura.

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