" Where is Far Away " is a selection of works on canvas, the result of Silvia Giordani's artistic research. At the center is the landscape, seen through the artist's eyes.

The pictorial practice for Silvia Giordani is an infinite cycle of questions, answers, notes, suspended research from which further questions and food for thought arise.
The title of the exhibition "Where is far away" is a play on words intended to be an invitation to reflect on the meaning we attribute to the space that surrounds us and the time that passes through it.
The canvases on display present places where daily / close references mix with distant suggestions, the result is an “other” space, whose coordinates escape us.
The places created through painting draw on various references: digital settings, geological sections, landscape illustrations from the past, satellite images of other planets. The boundary between past, present and future disappears and the elements that populate the paintings appear as mysterious objects, almost as if they were finds of distant dimensions. The result is a scenario with dystopian features and suspended atmospheres, which in turn lends itself to being investigated.

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