Home Shows Ecos - A Natureza que Nos Cabe - "Echoes - The Nature That Belongs to Us"

Ecos - A Natureza que Nos Cabe - "Echoes - The Nature That Belongs to Us" Casagaleria hosts the first group exhibition of artists Alberto Duvivier Tembo, Chris Coutinho, and Maristela SR, unveiling the many layers of meaning that brought these three artists together just over a year ago. Viewing nature from multiple perspectives points not only to the natural essence we share as an animal species but also to the chasm we've dug that now threatens our existence. Contemplating animal life in its beauty and right to exist reveals Alberto's keen eye. His interaction with natural materials—earth, fire, pigment—celebrates the life that insists on (r)existing in the face of imminent collapse. Listening to uncertainties, he builds his pictorial path, which is also a form of resistance. Capturing what remains of the natural world within the urban environment is at the heart of Chris Coutinho's images. His process involves various layers, both physical—particularly paper, his primary material—and in the creation of the works themselves, requiring extended time, contrasting with the pace of the metropolis. Provoking sensitivity to natural cycles through life’s remnants reveals Maristela SR’s yearning. Her creative processes involve extended time, including gathering, pressing, and flirting with forms, until it becomes possible to construct a graphic dialogue between a human and part of another non-human creature. Beyond the nature that belongs to them, these three artists also connect through creative processes that involve manual craftsmanship and a creation time that resists the automatism of 21st-century life—a time closer to life in/of nature, a time that the artists seek to echo in other existences. Almost Spring 2024